Wet Wipes Responsible For 80% of UK Clogs – IOTW Report

Wet Wipes Responsible For 80% of UK Clogs

The UK government declared yesterday that there is no such thing as a “flushable” wet wipe.


Disintegration tests of the handy personal hygiene item have those advertised as safe for putting down the loo end up costing local waterworks upwards of  £100 million a year.

Matt Wheeldon, a director at Wessex Water, has been pushing for action to prevent wipes being labelled as flushable.

He said: “I think they’re a complete scourge on our society. More

15 Comments on Wet Wipes Responsible For 80% of UK Clogs

  1. If there are so many muzzies in the UK and they don’t wipe their ass except with their left hands why are they having this problem? It’s the fault of those evil white British people who use the wipes and flush them down the loo (AKA crapper) because they’re convenient and softer on their precious British tushes, that’s the problem. I say let’s ban the wipes and become totally multicultural and let them wipe their asses with their left hand, problem solved. What’s wrong with good old fashioned TP? When’s the next scourge of cholera or the plague going to return and wipe out these fools because of lack of proper sanitation?

  2. I live in a rural area and am not on a sewer system. Instead I have a septic tank. Every plumber I have every talked to about the proper care of a septic tank has repeatedly to me to NEVER flush those “flush-able” wipes.

    Ultimately, in order to reduce the solids going into my septic tank, I got a bidet. That cut my toilet paper use by about 80% and greatly improve my hygiene, which is important since I have a compromised immune system due to lymphoma.

  3. “We have problems with ass-wipes here too! They’re called liberals.”

    …they certainly are clogging the elections with fraud this year, @Different Tim, so the metaphor works on many levels…

  4. “Never ever shake the left hand of a muzzie for any reason.”

    …I’d advise against shaking the right one, too, @geoff the aardvark. The Koran says they can’t be your freind and that they are to lie to you, so there seems little point in shaking EITHER hand anyway, but they may offer to just to pull you in for a stabbing…

  5. @Richard P:

    …in order to reduce the solids going into my septic tank, I got a bidet. That cut my toilet paper use by about 80% and greatly improve my hygiene, which is important since I have a compromised immune system due to lymphoma.

    How to handle hygiene and waste disposal is an individual choice, of course, but I enthusiastically endorse the use of a bidet (my personal hygienic choice) for any number of medical/physical situations people may be dealing with. Everything from arthritis to spinal fusions and the list goes on. The little bit of TP to finalize/verify is a very large reduction from its usual role (pun intended).

  6. I use a wet wipe every time I poop.
    It’s called a wash cloth, warm water and soap.
    I too have a septic system, use only enough paper to get the big pieces off.
    Washing machine/shower has its own grey water system.


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