She-Ra Transforms Into…A Cross-Dressing Boy In Biker Shorts – IOTW Report

She-Ra Transforms Into…A Cross-Dressing Boy In Biker Shorts

Back in the mid-80s the Masters of the Universe franchise created a sister for “He-man” and her own series, “She-Ra: Princess of Power.”


There were 93 half-hour episodes. Apparently, the original was a favorite for girls and gay men (There was a song recorded by a She-Ra character that’s become a staple at gay weddings).

Yesterday, Netflix rolled out their reboot, “She-Ra and The Princesses of Power” and its a piece of hot pink garbage. While plenty of fans have complained of the low quality  animation, the big disappointment is constant injection of LBGT culture. For example, She-Ra looks like a boy with hair extensions. Watch

Then there’s male character Bow, who has two fathers.

There’s also a princess named Spinneralla who went from an hour glass to a pear shape and whose super power is the ability to “break wind.”

Netflix Trailer Here

11 Comments on She-Ra Transforms Into…A Cross-Dressing Boy In Biker Shorts

  1. The left/commies/demonrats/libtards/
    progtards/Gubment employees/antifa scum/
    Black Lies Don’t Matter are all MAGGOT ENEMIES
    OF AMERICA !!! and enemies of Christianity.

  2. I know nothing about She- Ra, but I can tell you about Ri Ra. Ri Ra
    is a wonderful Irish Pub in Atlantic City, NJ. But the noun RiRa means Real Irish Republican Army, a terrorist group who broke from the Provisional IRA in 1997. At the time the PIRA were considering peace agreements with the North of Ireland and Britain. The RIRA would have nothing to do with it. So if you visit a RI RA Pub in Atlantic City or Los Vegas, even though the food and service is great, remember that little fact.

  3. They soil everything.
    I guess they have to pervert children in order to ensure against disease.
    “Get em before they grow teeth!” and all (from an old joke).

    See how it works? We are tolerating what was intolerable. We are accepting the perversion and corruption of our children with indifference.
    This doesn’t bode well.

    izlamo delenda est …


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