Melania Has Yet To Seek Advice From Michelle – IOTW Report

Melania Has Yet To Seek Advice From Michelle

Yahoo Lifestyle-

In an exclusive interview on ABC Sunday night with Michelle Obama,  Robin Roberts touched on an excerpt from Michelle Obama’s book in which she discusses how her predecessor, Laura Bush, told her that she was just “a phone call away.”

In turn, Obama has offered the same assistance to the current first lady. But when Roberts asked, “Has [Trump] reached out to you and asked for any help?” Michelle Obama responded, “No, she hasn’t.” More

43 Comments on Melania Has Yet To Seek Advice From Michelle

  1. “Hi Michelle, Melania here. Listen, I’ve been looking for that table cloth that goes in the east kitchen…last time I saw it, you were wearing it during a State Dinner to host foreign dignitaries. Do you happen to know where it is? Thanks!”

  2. Hey Mooch, it’s Melania again. Planning a trip to Spain with 40 of my BFFs. How did you keep the price below 10 million?

    BTW.. Watch for the photos of me climbing the steps with Spanish princess’s..

  3. “Hi Michelle, Melania again. Just wanted you to know that the Ebony and Jet magazines are still being delivered to our house. Can I get your new address so I can have the USPS forward them to you? Thanks!”

  4. “What kind of advice can Mooch offer to Melania? How to avoid getting your penis caught in a zipper? What to do when your husband is a homosexual?”

    …@John Zonk, she will ALSO never have to ask the thing Mooch knows the MOST about…”how do you get the duct tape off your penis without tearing the skin when you needed to wear a formal dress all day so it had to be strapped down TIGHT?”

    …the answer may well be “you can’t”. Which could ALSO explain the “Perpetual Bitch Face”, @Banjo Bill….

  5. “We’re still waiting for you to pick up the toilets we tore out before we moved in. Good news: The bad smell in Air Force One is nearly gone, and the floor under where you slept has finally leveled itself. Moo, if you are ever in the area and feel like dropping in to say hi, dont.”

  6. Sorry to get serious, but how and when and why did the”Office of the First Lady” become an official part of our Federal Government? It’s not in the Constitution and I haven’t found the legislation.
    But we did get a great upgrade.

  7. So Shelly couldn’t smile after half an hour at Trump’s inauguration and she cried for half an hour after but she told Melania to call if she ever wanted to talk?
    I’m thinking I call BS on that claim.
    Actually on all her claims.
    The only reason she’s mad is because Barry didn’t end up being so adored that everyone called for a third term.

  8. “Hey Mike uh Michelle…this is Melania…can you teach me Ebonics to add to the collection of languages I speak? Second thought, ne, hvala”…click.



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