Avenatti domestic violence arrest a huge problem for the Left – IOTW Report

Avenatti domestic violence arrest a huge problem for the Left

American Thinker: The arrest Creepy Porn Lawyer (and declared Democrat presidential candidate) Michael Avenatti on felony charges of domestic abuse exposes the shameful nature of the attacks on Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings.  Avenatti adamantly denies the charges and demands the presumption of innocence that the Left denied to then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh. #BelieveAllWomen, anyone?

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Avenatti demands better treatment (for a porn lawyer)  than was afforded a highly distinguished legal scholar and judge already on the second highest court in the land.

Best of all, the high ground belongs to Kavanaugh’s supporters, regardless of the truth or falsity of the charges against Avenatti.  His right to the presumption of innocence is receiving full-throated support from many of the conservative commentators who derided his clients’ charges against Kavanuagh. Sean Hannity, for instance:

I have no idea if the charges are true. I don’t believe the phony claim that 90% of reports of violence against women are true simply because women, like men, are fallen creatures, and prone to sins, including lying for advantage. If this is a false claim, then karma would seem to be at work.  MORE

8 Comments on Avenatti domestic violence arrest a huge problem for the Left

  1. How is anything Avenatti does a “huge problem” for the left?

    Nothing like this is a problem for the left. Didn’t Pelosi just praise Al Sharpton? … Has the news been uplifting lately?

  2. “The trashing of his wife starts in 4-3-2…..”

    …liberal icon and preferred “president” Hillary could give him some pointers about dealing with inconvenient allegations by women against prominent Democrat men, @Mortgages for the Masses…

  3. How about just calling him the Creepy Democrat Wife Beating Tax Dodging Porn Lawyer for now until he’s arrested for suborning perjury in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. Then we can hopefully call him the Creepy Democrat Wife Beating Tax Dodging Perjury Suborning Disbarred Porn Lawyer.


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