Ohio House votes to ban abortions ‘after fetal heartbeat is detected’ – IOTW Report

Ohio House votes to ban abortions ‘after fetal heartbeat is detected’

LAN: Today, by a vote of 58-35, the Ohio House passed an abortion bill which the Cincinnati Enquirer says “would effectively ban abortions after the first six weeks of a woman’s pregnancy by penalizing doctors who perform abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected.” The Republican majority in the House passed the bill knowing the risks: Governor John Kasich, a Republican who vetoed the previous Heartbeat Bill that made it to his desk, could very well veto it again if it comes up before he leaves office… or the state Senate could refuse to take up the bill at all.

However, if the Senate does end up taking up the abortion legislation and it passes, the Enquirer notes, “To override a Kasich veto, the Ohio House would need 60 votes – two more than the 58 who supported the proposal Thursday.” This could be a challenge, because seven Republicans reportedly voted against the Heartbeat Bill in the House: “Reps. Marlene Anielski and Nathan Manning from Northeast Ohio; Rick Carfagna, Mike Duffey, Anne Gonzales, and Scott Ryan from Central Ohio and Steve Arndt of Port Clinton.”

A lone Democrat, Rep. Bill Patmon of Cleveland, crossed party lines to vote in favor of the bill.

However, incoming Governor-Elect Mike DeWine has a 0% rating from NARAL and seems less likely to veto, should the bill make it to his desk after he assumes office in January 2019.  MORE

11 Comments on Ohio House votes to ban abortions ‘after fetal heartbeat is detected’

  1. Katy bar the door, the resisters are on the way.

    This’ll go no where. Kasich will say, “this is not who we are”.

    I think ppl should know who THEY themselves are, before psychoanalyzing the rest of us.

  2. Kasisch’s a Democrat, regardless of whatever lies he told to get elected. This bill is DOA. Just like the “stand your ground” legislation they just sent him.

    They could have waited, but DeWine’s a RINO too. That’s all we EVER get in OH, “look right, vote left”.


  3. …i’ll give you this, @cato, at least Governor DeWine is MUCH better than the ALTERNATIVE would have been…and who knows, perhaps President Trump can help him find HIS spine, too…

  4. On the right track, but anyone who took 5th grade health class knows a new HUMAN life begins at conception. DNA does not lie.

    To kill such a new life is murder. The RINO Republicans will join their Democrat buddies in Hell.

  5. The heart starts to circulate blood at 2 weeks, and the Book reminds us that “the life is in the blood”. The distinction in Ohio is for political purposes but it looks like these weenies can’t even agree on that.

  6. I don’t want anyone telling me what someone what they can or cannot do with their body. This is not the government’s domain. Keep out. Your morals are not their morals. Why can’t we have civil discussions, even if we just agree to disagree, but leave the law out of it.

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