Loggers Agree With Trump On the Cause of the Wildfires – IOTW Report

Loggers Agree With Trump On the Cause of the Wildfires

Washington Times

Loggers support Trump’s claim that wildfires caused by ‘poor forest management’.

A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

“President Trump blamed poor forest management for wildfires in California and throughout the West, and there is truth to statements he has made,” said Daniel Dructor, executive vice president of the American Loggers Councila coalition of state and regional associations that represents independent contract loggers.

“It’s time to rise above political posturing and recognize that active forest management — including logging, thinning, grazing and controlled burning — are tools that can and must be used to reduce fire risks and help mitigate the impacts to landscapes,” Mr. Dructor said in a statement.

According to the council, some 60 million to 80 million acres of national forest are at “high, to very high, risk of catastrophic wildfire.”


12 Comments on Loggers Agree With Trump On the Cause of the Wildfires

  1. Absolutely. Logging and mining bring roads into the wilderness that can be used to transport firefighters and equipment. And perform much needed thinning of brush and timber
    Lazlo started his short career in forestry in the California Conservation Corps on a hand line fire crew. Crew 2 of Placer Fire Center
    In the off seasons, we built trail, we did tree plantation maintenance and planting. We did brush thinning and control burns, worked on the Med Fly disaster, and in the summer, we were a kick ass fire crew.
    It was a good experience for a young lad. We need more of this kind of work force. Young people need to get out and learn the exhilaration of hard work, and working directly with the Land.
    Cheap labor, good character building.

  2. California had a devastating forest fire when GWB was President. GWB went to California to see. GWB suggested California consider Oregon’s Clean Forest Initiative, so successful in limiting forest fire damage. California leftists and the MSM laughed President Bush right out of the state.

  3. It’s true. Poor Lazlo hits every point, and the shame of it all was also mentioned by POTUS Trump — California is behaving like a psycho boyfriend when it comes to its forest resources: “If we won’t harvest the trees, no one can harvest the trees!” The tens and hundreds of thousands of acres of harvest-able forest that have gone up in smoke in CA in just the past decade bears mute testimony to the sheer stupidity of CA’s “green” policies. When all tolled: the commercial value of the timber, the lost wages/opportunity of those who could have been harvesting them, the cost of importing Canadian lumber, the cost of fighting the fires, the personal losses of everyone who has lost homes and loved ones and animals, the insurance payouts to those people, the lost incomes and productivity of people who have to take time off to re-establish their homes, the myriad losses to businesses that follow all of the above; the list goes on and on and one. And what falls into the “benefits” column? A big fat goose egg. But the fascists on the Left will make this into a “loggers versus environmentalists” argument.

  4. The Peshtigo (1871) and Moose Lake/Cloquet (1918) fires both killed hundreds because of poor forestry management of the times. We’ve learned a lot about proper management here in the Upper Midwest and haven’t repeated these disasters. Too bad CA pols can’t do the same.

  5. @ a Poor Lazlo, if you want today’s youth doing that kind of work you have to put it in a video game format or perhaps an app for their devices, otherwise you will have very few takers.

  6. the tree huggers will never admit they are wrong. They can’t afford to be seen as wrong. The logger will be ignored because (a.) they agree with president Trump and (b.) they do not have PHDS. They world rather see all the forests burn than log the trees and clear the dead and down trees.


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