Loesch takes on lying, or stupid, Rep. Swalwell on guns – IOTW Report

Loesch takes on lying, or stupid, Rep. Swalwell on guns


Democratic Rep Eric Swalwell tried to interact with NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch via Twitter Friday on the issue of assault weapons but stopped responding after Loesch asked one pointed question.

Dana Loesch @DLoesch
Swalwell, after answering people about his “assault weapons” ban aspirations did no answer.
Loesch explained why HERE.

21 Comments on Loesch takes on lying, or stupid, Rep. Swalwell on guns

  1. Could you imagine if you lived in Ca. and shot a home invader in YOUR house then had to be prosecuted by this commie asswipe while he as prosecuting attorney??? Now you know why I left that commie shithole state!

  2. He may not know shit about guns, but he’s smart enough to know that in order to achieve Leftard Utopia, the public can’t have access to them. It’s hard to chain the masses while they’re shooting at you.

  3. Jellybean November 17, 2018 at 2:34 pm

    Jellybean that is an excellent observation that can be a useful defense of Trump who wants to take nukes out of the hands of rogue states like NK and Iran. Normal people will see his efforts as the place to start to make the world a safer place. The useless liberals, in their abject dumbness, and always looking for “safe places” to hide, just don’t get where the real danger is and how to combat it.

  4. Threatening North Korea or Russia or China with nukes? Trump’s a madman! A madman, I say!

    Threatening Americans engaged in their civil rights with nukes? Just your average Democrat congressman.

    Asking questions about this rifle or that rifle, this caliber or that caliber, a black rifle vs. a handgun, semi vs. auto vs. a revolver. It doesn’t fucking matter.

    They’ve told us what their ultimate goal is. Everything on that path is just incrementalism. Comprehensive Immigration Reform means Amnesty and Common Sense Gun Legislation means Confiscation and Prohibition.

    As you’ve started to see in states like Maryland, there are more police willing to kick in somebody’s door at 5:15 in the morning and murder them, who have committed no crime, in order to disarm them under “Red Flag” laws than there are oathkeepers to stop them.



  5. All of my weapons (lacking human agency as they do) have no opinion on this matter. Just like they have no volition at the moment to kill a home invader or a rogue, treasonous member of our government.

    They sort of depend on my judgment as a human as to when they will be employed. I find that working relationship satisfactory. Apparently Swalwell does not.

  6. Never doubt for an instant these vermin or their staffs know about firearms – a simple online search can inform them. They want the PEONS to only hear their talking points. Otherwise proles might form their OWN conclusions. Facts are only what they say they are.

    And a revolver is semi-automatic too, and it’s obvious from the vague way shatwell phrases the laws he wants to create, they’ll be subject to confiscation too.

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