Former “One Direction” Pop Star Leaves Islam – IOTW Report

Former “One Direction” Pop Star Leaves Islam

‘I Don’t Believe Any of It’

Breitbart: Former One Direction member and pop superstar Zayn Malik revealed he is no longer a practicing Muslim, principally because he does not believe in the teachings of Islamic theology.

The pop superstar was raised in a Muslim family of both Pakistani and Irish descent in the British town of Bradford, and as a young boy studied the Qu’ran and attended mosque. However, the 25-year-old admitted he no longer follows the religion, and instead prioritizes simply being a “good person.”

“I don’t believe you need to eat a certain meat that’s been prayed over a certain way,” Malik said in an interview with Vogue magazine. “I don’t believe you need to read a prayer in a certain language five times a day. I don’t believe any of it. I just believe if you’re a good person, everything is going to go right for you.”  MORE

17 Comments on Former “One Direction” Pop Star Leaves Islam

  1. “I just believe if you’re a good person, everything is going to go right for you.” is the same as the sloppy rationale ‘if allah wills it’ without mentioning allah . He’s 25 and led a somewhat charmed life. I hope he proves to be made of sterner stuff, and he lands on the anti-totalitarian side when he figures out the rest of the grift.

  2. “I don’t believe you need to eat a certain meat that’s been prayed over a certain way,”


    “I don’t believe you need to read a prayer in a certain language five times a day.”

    I would add in moving your hands in any a special ways.

    “I just believe if you’re a good person, everything is going to go right for you.”


    Refer to the commandment about false gods and idols for further details. You are your own god, at this point, making your own rules. See 99th Squad leader’s post above for the one and only (narrow) detail that matters for spending eternity with God.


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