Day of Thanks – Open Thread – IOTW Report

Day of Thanks – Open Thread

WillysGoatGruff requested an open thread, enabling our readers to express what they are thankful for this year, to give special well wishes to some of our readers that went through tough times, and to say thanks in general for the blessings they enjoy.

I think it’s a great idea.


98 Comments on Day of Thanks – Open Thread

  1. I’d like to kick this off with the obvious.

    I’m grateful and thankful for all the readers, particularly the ones whose generosity keep our lights on with their thoughtful contributions. This is the foundation for all else that is built upon it.

    I’m also grateful for the readers who provide wit and insight in the comments, making us that much better.

    And I’m grateful for the lurkers who keep us relevant in this very competitive playing field.

    And I’m thankful and grateful for the people who email me story tips and photos.

    And I’m also grateful for the invention of paypal… lol

    Thank you!

  2. Turkey and pie! Family and Friends! Don’t have to do nuthin but show up and enjoy. My kind of day. Thankful to be alive and well. Best wishes everybody, today, and through the rest of the year.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. I thank God for America.
    I thank God for all those who defend (and defended) me and my Freedoms.
    I thank God for President Trump.
    I thank God for all the good people left to hold the line.
    I thank God for my family.
    I thank God for iOTWReport.

  4. I’m grateful for many things. A house to live comfortably in, a vehicle to get around in, a job that is satisfying and takes care of the bills.
    I grateful for a loving family, friends who care about me and a pair of special doggos who love me to bits and vice versa.
    I’m grateful for living in a country that (for now) has the greatest amount of personal freedom in the world.
    I’m grateful for having an opportunity to opine on forums such as this one.
    Lastly, I’m grateful for my health in spite of the many ailments that are present. I take WAY too many prescriptions. I’ve had a prostrate biopsy performed twice now, with the most recent one revealing less than 1% cancer detection, in only one of 16 samples taken. That is VERY LOW risk.

    I wish everyone here, a wonderful thanksgiving!

  5. I’m thankful that our oldest daughter is a smarty and will graduate a semester early with a chemistry/mathmatics degree and save her old man 16k and for the younger one following her footsteps. Also for pardoning the turkey purchase this year and making stuffed shells, lasagna and some vino. And u guys too! Oh yea, oxygen and gravity. Happy Thanksgiving from the McFartus clan.

  6. Even though my parents are both gone now I thank them for the previous 65 Thanksgiving days and Christmases we spent together. I thank God for my family, I thank God for America still the best place on Earth and all the current military and veterans who are serving and have served to keep us free. I’m thankful to be alive and well and plan on being around as long as possible for my children and 2 granddaughters as well as all my friends.

  7. First, I’m thankful to God, who has granted me with another day to reflect on the many blessings I too often trivialize and take for granted, and there are many. One of my very dear friends is battling pancreatic cancer and it’s unlikely he’ll make it to Christmas.

    Secondly, I am thankful we were successful in 2016 and elected a man with principles and the will to fight the anti American traitors at every turn. We have 2-4 more years and he needs our support.

    Last, but not least, I’m grateful to The Hat, MJA and contributors who work tirelessly to keep this site moving at warp speed, no matter time of day/night to keep us informed of the insanity among us. Kinda like The Drudge Report, but with great agitprop and a wicked sense of humor.

    Also the comments provide a daily laugh when I need it the most.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving. God Bless all of you. and for the hard of hearing….. throw a little folding money in the collection plate.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  9. What am I not thankful for?
    Even the most difficult times and events have hidden blessings.

    I am most blessed and thankful for:
    My parents, who have passed and are missed.
    Faith, Family and Friends
    To have lived in my generation and witnessed the advances in all
    To be an American.
    To be part of the quiet revolution that brought President Trump to
    the White House.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving, filled with Faith, Family and Friends.

  10. I’m thankful God continues to bless me with a happy family than last year on this side of the dirt. I long for upcoming meeting with my Savior and wish as Mother Thersa once said, “God didn’t trust us with so much.”

    While I deal with another diagnosis (that is a prognosis drawing nigh) I also thank Him for a continued (albeit a warped one) sense of humor that my dog isn’t sure of sometimes.

    Thank you all for the laughs, tears, and jeers that make this site so relevant in my life.

    I’m thankful my daughter made varsity basketball and wife made area supervisor. The Women in my life are competant and caring.

    Please keep PDJT and his family safe.

  11. I’m thankful that those I love and respect are in my life. As far as this place is concerned, I’m grateful you’re all here and sharing your thoughts that are so worth reading! Have a memorable Thanksgiving!

  12. I am truly thankful that YHWH is my Elohim and by His endless mercy and grace, has loved me first that I may love him. I am nothing without Him and all that I have is thine. For all good blessings proceed forth from YHWH.

    Without Him, I am dead in the grave. All that I have received is by His strength and His works, not mine. May I be blessed to lay any crown which is given me, at the feet of my Lord and Savior, for they are by His glorious works.

    Blessed are you YHWH Elohim, King of the Universe, who gave unto us the way of salvation in the Messiah Yahshuah. Blessed be He.


    Shalom Aleichem everyone. Be safe in your travels and show love and charity to all.

  13. Everything everybody above said and more!

    Also thankful that we live in a country that gave us the Founding Fathers, Samuel Colt, John Moses Browning, Eugene Stoner and elastic waist bands.

    From somewhere on the Interweb:

    Happy Thanksgiving! Don’t forget to set your bathroom scales back 10 pounds!

  14. I’m thankful for the brilliance of the founding fathers for giving us the electoral college so that we don’t become the United States of New York and California.

    Also my wife, family, and my critters.

  15. Lazlo is grateful for being born in America, and being blessed with reasonable health, work, a wonderful wife Mrs. Lazlo and my dog Angus.
    I am grateful for this site and all the good folks who comment on it.
    This is a family on here. I love reading all the insightful comments, the positions taken, and the glimpses into the hearts of good people.
    I am grateful that I live in a time of wonders.
    I am also grateful that the Heavenly Father saw fit to open my heart to the salvation his Son brought to the world.

  16. My parents (both gone now) who gave me the timber to build my ship to sail on with my troops and find warm waters and a friendly harbor that is IOTW.

    THANKS BFH and staff.

    My beautiful wife and me boys, I am thankful to God for.

    Everyone sounds VERY thankful compared to the those that we hear are SO ungrateful for what came before them.

    GoCJG and Family.

  17. I am thankful that God sent his Son to:
    Teach me
    Love me
    Die for me
    Shed his blood for me
    Rose from the grave for me
    Has a plan for me
    Prepared a way for me
    His GRACE is the greatest gift!

  18. I’m thankful for my Lord, my wife, my kids, my dog, my blessings, the good times, the incredibly hard times (It has taken me a while to see that but it’s God’s way of toughening me up for His glory), and my IOTWREPORT family.

    But not necessarily in that order.

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody! ❤️

  19. I can’t think of better comments then those written above…wit, wisdom, humor, thoughtfulness…..BEAUTIFUL!….
    I THANK BFH for this site and his kind ear!….
    The idea of wanting to have something posted like this was inspired by two commentators who have had some very hard times recently and I’m sure I missed others….So, a special Thanksgiving wish to ‘Chuffed beyond words’ and ‘Rotty lover’….and anyone else that overcame one of life’s hurdles….that’s it, you may cook and eat now….

  20. Happy Thanksgiving: For a Fun Family activity that even your Liberal relatives might like, try Designing Hillary’s Gitmo Cell together with fun Window coverings and Astro turf carpeting options.

  21. I am thankful for God and being born in the greatest nation on earth. I love this BFH, MJA, etc. family and wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope we have an open thread for Christmas!

  22. Thankful that I occasionally use RESTRAINT of tongue, pen and the send/comment button. Relegated myself to lurking now and hoping to maintain positive grateful attitude through the holidays and next year…

    Five to ten second pause before response has its merits…

    Thanks to Mr. Big & MJA for all they do behind the curtain…

  23. Happy Thanksgiving to all. For those experiencing a loss, my thoughts are with you. A number of years ago I lost a dear sister on Thanksgiving morning and I know how difficult it is.

    Today I’m thankful for family and friends, and I’m thankful it’s below freezing because I can wear my big fur hat today.

  24. Grateful for the intellect of my ancestors who, through the discovery and use of:

    The Wheel
    Mechanical Escapement (clock)
    Longitudinal Navigation

    Where able to arrive in this great land and put it to good use.


  25. My parents got me a new inkjet printer this week because my color laser printer died of old age. And since the only thing I print are hard copies of my Patriot Retort posts for my mom to read, they decided to pay for the new printer. And this one has a scanner! So yesterday, I spent the entire afternoon scanning old family photos and restoring them to their old glory in Photoshop. Every so often, I would email my brother copies of those old photos and we’d text back and forth remembering the very moment they were taken. It was great!

    And looking at all those pictures of us growing up made me even more grateful for my family.

  26. Im thankful for this little website that could with all of it’s creativity on the page and behind the scenes. I have a place to go with unmet friends who make me laugh and who I can vent with. Hugs to you all! 🥰
    I’m thankful that my parents are still here, that health issues improved this year and despite other things we remain determined and positive. Wish me luck-this is the first year that I am cooking everything!

  27. I’m thankful that God has allowed me to grow old, to the point that I’m able to see the black and white of issues, and not the squishy gray areas that the Left uses to block ACTUAL progress in this country. It takes a lifetime of experience, usually, to cut through that fog.

    I’m also thankful that I’ve gotten old enough to realize that my parents were right about everything, damn near. Wish they were still around so I could tell them. But I’m grateful to God for blessing me with such solid, loving parents.

    I’m also thankful to have lived long enough to see Donald Trump as president. I was never a big fan, and even though I voted for him, I had my doubts. But as far as I’m concerned, he’s the epitome of what the President of the United States of America SHOULD be. Everything he does is done with the mindset of being good for America. Most presidents in my lifetime (aside from Reagan) couldn’t meet that standard.

    And I’m thankful for BFH (and his minions!), and this community for providing such a wonderful dose of common sense in such a nonsensical world. Seriously…you guys rock…all of you…

  28. Everyone’s comments above have spoken for just about everything I am thankful for, aside from this one:
    I am especially thankful for the “renegade” doctors who bucked the medical establishment’s narrow-minded rules regarding Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. They risk losing their medical licenses and businesses by not following the ridiculous CDC and AMA rules regarding diagnosis and treatment. Within their little circle they research and share information outside of the medical establishment, finding new diagnosis and drug cocktails which help reduce the symptoms and (in my case) sometimes lead to a complete recovery. Without those brave souls many people would still be suffering, both physically and emotionally.

  29. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! 🙂

    I’m thankful for my husband, who’s put up with me for 40 years, my two beautiful grandchildren, my daughter and her husband who gave me those grandchildren, and some of the rest of my family. 🙂

    I’m also thankful for the IOTWReport family, the many friends I’ve made through this site, and the opportunity to share ideas, views, and laughter with like-minded people. We don’t always agree, but we’re in it together.

    🙂 <3

  30. I have had some health setbacks this last year. I am however very grateful to be on this side of the sage grass. I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you all and America.

  31. The list of things I’ve grown to be Thankful for just this year is too long to list here, but I do have to say I’m Thankful for being a long time member of this community (hopefully still in good standing) and the forum BFH provides to hash out ideas and differing opinions.
    Happy Thanks Giving You Guys! ❤

  32. i am grateful. And thankful. My eyes water when i think of all the blessings God gave me and all the screwups i gave Him. I dont know why a person would prefer to function without Him. I cant work much because of health issues so my wonderful wife that God gave me puts up with me and loves me. My family and friends, like those on IOTW are a blessing. Thank you everyone, and God Bless You All. He’s blessed me and i am thankful.

  33. I enjoy too many manifold blessings to list. But, I want to take a moment and express my appreciation there is an eight ball, with the moniker Big Fur Hat, He keeps me sane in an insane world with humor, information and the knowledge that we normal people are not alone. Time for me to hit the tip jar again.

  34. for thanksgiving we stuff turkeys
    ……..been doin’ it for years
    thaw the bird out and stick stuff up their rears
    doin’ it so long, I can do it by rote
    on thanksgiving Obama,
    do you stuff your goat?

  35. So very grateful for all of God’s blessings, mercy and being able to celebrate another Thanksgiving.

    Grateful to be a citizen of the United States of America – the greatest nation on Earth.

    Thankful for iOTWR and BFH’s vision to create a site for kickass conservatives.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  36. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    My gratitude list is too long,to type on an iPhone, but the top of the list is being able to retire with decent health and meeting a very special woman.

    Oh, and I actually got to meet BFH!

  37. I’m thankful for progress with my 10th Grade AP World History & Honors classes!
    Also thankful for an AWESOME wife of 39 years!
    Also thankful for my wife’s Gluten-Free Bakery’s explosive growth! (SaraFay Farm)
    Also thankful for a fearless President who fights for us!
    Also thankful for Governor Rick Scott for allowing my wife’s business to start!
    Also thankful for 2 great sons & a daughter!
    Also thankful for 3 AWESOME grandkids!
    Most importantly, thankful for an AWESOME GOD who allows lowly me all of these blessings!

  38. I’m Thankful knowing all of you over the years.
    I’m Thankful that Donald J. Trump is our President.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you at IOTW REPORT.
    “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate in the government of any other.” John Adams 1798.
    How true!

  39. I’m thankful that my broken femur is healing. And titanium rods to hold it together. And a great surgeon. I’m thankful that the Lord has put up with me and hope he continues to. And thanks for all you good folks for being here.

  40. “I, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, am doing the impossible for the ungrateful. I have done so much, for so long, with so little, I am now qualified to be grateful for everything and everybody, with nothing…except for this last can of beer.”

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  41. I’m thankful John Roberts took a swipe at Trump. At least we know his true colors now. I did have some suspicions that his creating a new tax by pulling it out of his ass was a little shady — Didn’t we fight a war over the issue of Taxation Without Representation?

    I’m thankful that John Mc Cain received the biggest send off for any military figure in our nation’s history. Anybody who can graduate in the bottom 1% of his Academy yet still get into flight school only to get shot down due to his inadequacies as a pilot ought to lie in state for a month, IMHO

    And I’d like to thank Jeff Flake for showing his true colors with such dazzling clarity that they could be seen from Mars. I used to think some of you were going overboard with all the “RINO” talk. Was I ever wrong!!

  42. Dianny- I did the scanning and saving about 6 or 7 years ago. Isn’t it amazing how scanning shows so much detail in photos? There are pictures of my mom as a lil girl and when she saw them in digital form, she had forgotten there was a pattern on one of her dresses she had on. LOL. Now we all have copies of all our photos. It’s great!

  43. grateful for my wonderful family & family passed. grateful for President Donald J. Trump & our wonderful First Lady, Melania. grateful to be born in the greatest country ever created by humankind.

    … & grateful for the wonderful group here at IoTW …. & a big shout-out to Fur & Mary Jane … may the Lord bless you all!

    oops, almost forgot my dog Bailey & She Who Must Be Obeyed, who’s put up w/ me for over 50 years

  44. This year it’s very easy for me to be thankful for good health for my wife, son, and myself.

    My brother-in-law just returned home under hospice care following three weeks in hospital. Various organ failures due to high blood iron, black lung disease, infections, CT & MRI scans show numerous spots on his brain. And he is about five years younger than me. Two years ago he seemed perfectly healthy. At least I’m healthy enough to know I am able & ought to be happy to deal with other things in my life which I’d prefer were better. Plenty of things, large and small, to be thankful for.

  45. I was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic about five months ago so this was an interesting Thanksgiving: no potatoes, no bread, no rice, no stuffing, no green beans or corn, no pie. Still, I’m so grateful for the many blessings bestowed on me by God. I feel so undeserving of them. My cup runneth over (but not with soda– that’s off the list, too!).

  46. I am thankful for many things but today I cooked Thanksgiving Dinner for a dear neighbor’s family. The wife has been in the hospital or rehab for 3 1/2 months and was able to come home on Monday. Her husband has been at her side all that time. It was my pleasure to do that for them.

  47. I’m so incredibly thankful that I can’t remember everything I should be thankful for.

    To be so loved by God; my wonderful, infuriating, clever son and that we are together; to live in the freest nation on earth; supportive people, even some online whom I’ve never met; lots of food to eat and not just for survival; a reliable car to get me to a job each day; good health; better days; books & music; a small but nice little retreat from the world – our home; warm clothes; interesting hobbies; hopes for the future and that there is a future. And so much more.

    Sometimes we here disagree but I’m grateful I met up with you all because it means something for me to come here and grumble together but also to learn about other lives, interests, things that matter to others, which helps me be a better person. You lot are simply superb, even you cranky ones!

  48. Better late than never. I’m thankful to have a place like this on the internet to check in with once in a while. Claims on my time and attention mean I don’t post much anymore, but I read a lot, and some of the comments I read make me smile. That helps a lot.

  49. Happy Thanksgiving every one.
    I am very grateful for so much this year,although it did not start out this way.
    AA is cancer free. Praise God.
    And I am so thankful for all of the Prayers and words of encouragement from all of you here.
    Again thank you all.
    Mr.Hat Thanks for all of the hard work for keeping this site up and running,MJA,Pinko,Dr.Tar. Thank you all.
    We have lost friends here this year let us not forget them. Reboot you are missed.

  50. Happy Thanksgiving to all of Everyone! And their families! It makes me pause to think about how close we can grow to a group of people — most of whom we’ve never met and probably will never meet — but when you think on it, after years of reading everyone’s thoughts — views, trials, joys, likes and dislikes — we probably know each other better than we know the people in our neighborhoods.

    I’m extremely grateful that I didn’t have to cook Thanksgiving Day dinner and I didn’t have to eat turkey or green been casserole or candied yams. I’m grateful I didn’t have to make a pumpkin pie or whip the cream for it. I love celebrating a day of thanks, I just get very tired of cooking big meals that feature a gigantic bird. And through some aberration of the space/time continuum, all the holidays seem to be rolling around each year at a faster clip. I think there are still two years’ worth of leftover turkey in the freezer, aging. So I am thankful that Geoff C. never gets tired of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. I wish Rockwell had substituted a salmon for the turkey in his iconic Thanksgiving painting.

    I am thankful for the miracle of God’s love for me — so much love that he sacrificed his only Son and redeemed me. I’m thankful and humbled by the miracle of being cancer free — truly a medical miracle. But no matter what happens I am assured of being with Jesus in Heaven some day.

    I am full of thanks for Geoff C. and our daughter (who is taking Thanksgiving week to go bouldering (I’m very thankful she doesn’t climb and is afraid of heights).

    I am thankful that my mom is still with us and that she is as stubborn as ever.

  51. Thankful for the life I have and the hubby who is still alive -after a big scare- and the shift in priorities that gave us.
    Work, co-workers, fun, friends, friends who are there when it’s not fun, an opportunity to help an old friend…
    And tonight: thankful for the call from the goofy nephew in New York and for all y’all on IOTW.

  52. I am thankful for all that I have been given in spite of my youth full of bad judgement and stupidity. I am thankful that although those that I love the most are estranged, there is still hope. I am thankful that I stumbled upon a man who really does let me be me. And that I don’t want to change him. I am thankful for being healthy enough to make the big dinner today – even though so very few of us sat at the table. Again.
    I am thankful for having a Husband and a Home, for the Lords presence, and for the lessons I learn each day.

  53. After spending all of 2017 in a hospital bed, I am more grateful to God for letting me live on and mostly recover from an entire adulthood 100+ pounds overweight.
    I am still thankful to Him for giving me Boobie, the bestest dog, who has been in doggie heaven for three months now.
    Almost every object of gratitude mentioned above applies to me as well.
    Also, my monthly gratitude to iOTW/BFH is $$ well spent, allowing 71 y/o me to vent my occasional childishness and enjoy others doing the dame.
    Thanks, too. to my sister who fills in the blanks in my self-care.

  54. I cooked an entire thanksgiving meal all by myself for the first time ever and it turned out great!
    Almost makes up for the fact that some family members have been terrible guests and insensitive and rude to me.

    But hey. We talked about dad, I got to say something, I cried. It was nice to talk about how much I love him and what I love about him to other people.

    Happy Thanksgiving, to everyone on Earth and to all loved ones up in Heaven talking with my dad (about music no doubt).


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