Loomer Permanently Banned From Twitter For Listing Facts About Congresswoman Ilhan Omar – IOTW Report

Loomer Permanently Banned From Twitter For Listing Facts About Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Yahoo says Loomer ATTACKED Ilhan Omar.

“Isn’t it ironic how the twitter moment used to celebrate ‘women, LGBTQ, and minorities’ is a picture of Ilhan Omar?” Loomer wrote. “Ilhan is pro Sharia Ilhan is pro-FGM Under Sharia, homosexuals are oppressed & killed. Women are abused & forced to wear the hijab. Ilhan is anti Jewish.”

10 Comments on Loomer Permanently Banned From Twitter For Listing Facts About Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

  1. Trump has a short ton of things on his plate. Trust-busting the online media bigs should be in the top ten of the list.

    Dorsey (has anyone told him that the butching up effort with the beard isn’t working?) comes off as Trump existing on twitter remains so solely at Dorsey’s pleasure.

    – RosalindJ. iPad hiccuped before I could finish signing in.

  2. The only way to wan off these tech giants is the search out and find some hackers that are highly talented and also worried about the power these few giants have. Imagine what would happen to Twitter if it were shut down for a day while files and backups were decontaminated and then three weeks later shut down again. Or perhaps ALL banned people found themselves reinstated and the lefties were banned. The value of the stock could become worthless overnight and the rest of the pack (Facebook, ABC Inc, Microsoft et al) would start sweating right through their hand tailored silk shirts. I understand that these systems are shielded 9 ways from Sunday but there is some truly unique talents out there that could be interested in the challenge.

  3. If LL moved to, or started a parallel account on GAB, and encouraged all of her followers to follower her there too, They could probably chase the Anti Semites off that platform and make it a decent place. But the Jew hatred on the place is off the hook.


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