Gay Activists Need Historic Figures To Be Gay – IOTW Report

Gay Activists Need Historic Figures To Be Gay

Talk to a gay activist and they’ll tell you everyone was gay.

Jesus was gay. God was gay. John Wayne was gay. Justin Trude…

Okay, they got us there.


What’s the latest?

The Pilgrims were gay. Want proof?

One of the settlements was called Merrymount…. get it?

They even erected a big pole in the town square.

Case closed.

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22 Comments on Gay Activists Need Historic Figures To Be Gay

  1. Your activities or your color is not all that you are. Can’t gays be human beings first? Sex as an activity is low on the important list of life, even lower is your skin color. Don’t lower yourself like that.
    It’s counter productive and it annoys people for no good reason.

  2. …of COURSE the “indians” and Pilgrims were gay. You remember in history class where the total population of New England was about a half-dozen people, all dressed like they were headed to a Mardi Gras parade, and died out in a generation…/s

  3. The simple answer is this…..Faggots want to stick their penis up your anus which was only designed to vacate digested food…..That, right there, is the problem…..Who’s the first nasty bastard to think this was a good idea?…..

  4. If you listen to the Media and watch TV you would think that half the population wuz Gay or Transgendered… now they’ve moved on to history to reinforce a false narrative. Wildly pumping up the numbers to fit the Gay agenda has earned them the Homosexual Squeal of Approval!

  5. …so let me get this, ah, “straight”…EVERY TIME something sticks up, it’s automatically a phallic symbol and therefore gay?


    …sometimes, fellows, a cigar is just a cigar..

  6. They are seeking validity for their degenerate lifestyle and they never will have it. This keeps them constantly angry and complaining of oppression while people just block them out.
    People accept they exist they just don’t accept their choices as normal. In other words shut up, nobody cares.

  7. Not gay.
    Not even “gay.”

    They are perverted homosexual deviants.
    (not that there’s anything wrong with that)

    But I wonder why they go to such lengths to euphemize and distract from the premise. It’s odd that they go to such extremes to “celebrate” their perversions while trying all the while to “normalize” them. Just like guys (homosexual guys) who are attracted to other homosexual males who dress and pretend to be female. What’s the point? Pseudo-wymyn? Something false about the whole process. Demented. Deviant.

    Only God can create. Devils are pseudo-angels Satan crafted from angels (I stole this idea from Tolkien). Perversions of angels, so to speak. So what are these pseudo-men and pseudo-wymyn? They are crafted from people, no doubt, but to what end?

    Maybe I’m too dumb.
    Maybe “ignorance is bliss.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Believe it or not, you know what’s compelling them to do things like this?

    A defiled conscience.

    It’s still there and semi-operational but their minds are so darkened they try to abide the conscience 180° the wrong way. Instead of abhorring evil, they embrace and try to justify it.

    And now society has degraded to the point where they’re going to force YOU to justify it too.

    The men of Sodom threatened to rape Lot if he didn’t turn over the angels to them. Same thing at work here. Wait and see. If you don’t believe that yet, you will.

  9. “And now society has degraded to the point where they’re going to force YOU to justify it too.” – grool

    And precisely the same psychological mechanism present in other Liberal justifications for the use of force: Islam as a religion, gender identity, fabricated racism, triggering words, etc.

    It’s all related to the same mental sickness.

  10. it’s now called “Quincy MA” and Thomas Morton compared to the Puritans was attempting to set up a colony of free persons not subjected to their draconian stringent religious beliefs. Morton came from an area of England known for it’s adherence to a far more liberal form of christianity- they were accused by the likes of the Puritans of being ‘pagans’. Morton was relentlessly persecuted by the Puritans who undoubtably spread many rumours about the licentious heathen deportment of the Merrymount colonists. Morton was opposed to slavery and in a manner is a model of what America would become- a country founded upon freedom of religion, the cradle of liberty as opposed to the theocracy of the Puritans. also an archetype for segments of society which ‘drop out’ and away from the common culture to go their own way. that’s not in itself bad or particularly gay especially now that the gays have become a gang of lock step tyrannical freedom haters. Thomas Morton would have despised them.

  11. I was a happier person before I knew of such perversions. But now, God is my refuge. In a sense, hearing about that sort of sickness forced me to seek God. So its all good, actually.

    As someone above pointed out, sex is just one part of life, and not the most important part. We are all a lot more than that, despite what the media and entertainment industry tell us.


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