Skating – IOTW Report



11 Comments on Skating

  1. I like Vince Guaraldi just fine and we listen to it every Christmas.

    But I thought al gore’s amazing internet had everything. I remember watching a cartoon over and over again called ‘winter sports’. I can’t find it. I found that it was by Mel Leven. But I can’t find the video.

    Winter sports. Winter sports.
    Throwing snowballs. Building forts.
    When the weatherman reports.
    Lots and lots of snow.

    Anybody remember this?

  2. I greatly enjoy Guaraldi’s music, especially the work he did for the Peanuts shows. But there’s another reason I think fondly of VG, and that he introduced the U.S. music world to one of my favorite Brazilian guitarists, Bola Sete. The two of them recorded some fine numbers. Here’s a 1963 set recorded live and filmed.

  3. The link I posted at 7:40 is a half hour long and contains some yakking. If you want to hear a Brazilian guy with a classical guitar (wide flat fretboard, fingers only, no amplification) do a hard-to-believe job of a Dizzy Gillespie number (sorry, don’t remember the name), click here.

    Bola Sete had come to the U.S. and was “discovered” by Gillespie and Guaraldi almost 60 years ago playing in a San Francisco bar.


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