Isolated tribes need protection from Western arrogance – IOTW Report

Isolated tribes need protection from Western arrogance

  This guy is supposed to be an intellectual. You can’t tell from his writing, but when you look at his pretentious byline photo you can tell he believes he is.

He wrote a piece for the NY Post about the missionary that was killed by the isolated tribe who fires poison arrows at anyone who approaches their island.

My OpEd in Sunday’s is out now: “Isolated tribes need protection from Western arrogance.”

Quoting the Brazilian who wrote the “no contact rule,” Sydney Possuelo, Wallace writes-

“Those who seek to change their culture, their gods or their beliefs are practicing a form of violence. “

I’d like to make a minor tweak to this quote and see how it plays in the set that Wallace hangs with-

“Those who seek to change a country’s culture, their gods or their beliefs are practicing a form of violence.”

The left has told us “diversity is our strength.”

It doesn’t sound like they believe one syllable of that claptrap. They are forcing asylum seekers from Syria into little towns across America. Wouldn’t that be a form of violence?

The left is a farce.

19 Comments on Isolated tribes need protection from Western arrogance

  1. ” This guy is supposed to be an intellectual. You can’t tell from his writing, but when you look at his pretentious byline photo you can tell he believes he is.”

    Jeez, I already want to kick his ass.

  2. Yes, Yes keep these people in the progressive zoo, don’t enlighten them or bring civilization and for heavens sake do not tell them about the savior of their souls! We want to visit and be amazed at the human animals that are pristine in their ignorance… yada yada yada. These people are also made in the image of God and need to be rescued from their deserted island, to not do so is the sin of omission.

  3. Looks like Ron Perlman’s twin brother who was anally delivered. Sorry, give me a minute,, just threw up in my mouth a little,,
    Whew, Thanks,
    it’s all good now.

  4. Related topic. Back in 1961 (I was in the Army at the time) Michael Rockefeller, son of NY Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, went missing in New Guinea.
    It is believed that he was murdered and eaten by cannibals.
    There is a museum in his name near Rockefeller Center in NYC displaying spears, shields, shrunken heads and such stuff.
    Michael’s head was never found.

  5. He has condemned the illegal-alien invading rat-people – for that is exactly what they want to do to America (and Western Civilization, in general).

    He has condemned the filthy izlamic invaders, as well.

    Just as he has condemned the Euro-Trash Socialistic Totalitarian Globaloney-ists.

    He may have wrote a fact without realizing it. A stopped clock is correct twice a day.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “Those who seek to change a country’s culture, their gods or their beliefs are practicing a form of violence.”

    Sounds like islam and the democrat party encouraging and allowing hordes of illegals to enter societies in Europe and the US to destroy them.

    Diversity is used to to alter, attack and destroy.

  7. “The left has told us “diversity is our strength.”

    Jesus Christ said that a house divided (diverse house or house of diversity) cannot stand. When immigrants came to America and assimilated, it made America strong. Now with government forms printed in every language under the sun and press one for English we are headed for collapse.


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