The Left Lies- Illegals ARE On Welfare and They Are Draining Our Resources – IOTW Report

The Left Lies- Illegals ARE On Welfare and They Are Draining Our Resources

Fact: Illegals are on welfare. They drain our resources that are meant to be a safety net for our citizens.

Studies show once an illegal gets on welfare they don’t get off of it. It’s not a step up. It’s a stoop.

Wash Exam-


9 Comments on The Left Lies- Illegals ARE On Welfare and They Are Draining Our Resources

  1. They can vote.
    The left doesn’t care if the rest of us pay for them.

    The left wants to hog high office so they can loot the country and lord over the rest of of us.

    Just like the soviets.

  2. @Anon – that’s what the leftist leaders want. The rest either think that they can become leaders or are satisfied with just feeling good about themselves and being on the winning team.
    Crazy, but it would be impossible for the side of Big Government to win without the votes of an awful lot of people who would not benefit from Big Government being in power.

  3. This is welfare explained. It’s reported that illegals and refugees receive two or more times what a Citizen is eligible for:

    The road to laziness has been well paved by our friends in Washington. IT’S ALL ABOUT VOTES, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!

    Why Nobody Works Anymore…

    Now follow this:
    The new American way of life…get on board…

    For a guy and his girlfriend with two kids, all you have to do is follow these proven steps:

    1. Don’t marry her!

    2. Always use your mom’s address to get your mail.

    3. The guy buys a house.

    4. The guy rents out house to his girlfriend with his two kids.

    5. Section 8 will pay $900 a month for a 3 bedroom home.

    6. Girlfriend signs up for Obamacare, so guy doesn’t have to pay for family

    7. Girlfriend gets to go to college for free for being a single mother

    8. Girlfriend gets $600 a month for food stamps.

    9. Girlfriend gets a free cell phone.

    10. Girlfriend get free utilities.

    11. Guy moves into home, but continues to use mom’s address for his mail

    12. Girlfriend claims one kid and guy claims the other kid on their tax
    Forms. Now both get to claim head of household at $1800 credit.

    13. Girlfriend gets $1800 a month disability for being “crazy” or having a
    “bad back” and never has to work again.

    This plan is perfectly legal and is being executed now by millions of people.

    A married couple with a stay-at-home mom yields $0 dollars.

    An unmarried couple with stay-at-home mom nets $21,600 disability + $10,800
    free housing + $6,000 free Obamacare + $6,000 free food + $4,800 free
    utilities + $6,000 Pell grant money to spend + $12,000 a year in college
    tuition free from Pell grant + $8,800 tax benefit for being a single mother
    = $75,000 a year in benefits!

    Any idea why the country is $20 trillion plus in debt
    and half the population is sitting around letting the other half pay their way?

  4. Try being a down and out Caucasian citizen and see if you can get any government assistance. Even if you and your family paid taxes for years, it’s not going to happen.

  5. White Liberal Strategy:

    Militate for non-whites

    Non-whites vote for white liberals

    Non-whites increase, vote out white liberals

    White liberals pull kids out of schools, eventually move away

    Start process all over again in next town or state over


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