The Continuing Stupidity of The Dem’s Rock Star – IOTW Report

The Continuing Stupidity of The Dem’s Rock Star

She is a hoot, lemme tell ya.

Listen to her use classroom jargon, a word salad that means absolutely nothing.

Ocasio-Cortez: With Trump, ‘We Have Far Surpassed’ the ‘Standard’ GOP Used to Impeach Clinton.

33 Comments on The Continuing Stupidity of The Dem’s Rock Star

  1. I’ll pay for this tomorrow, but, if I was dating this bitch, my dick would be stuck in her mouth 24-7. For her own good. That might require some creative dress. What a fxcking Moron.

  2. Know I wished all a G’Night in a very Walton kind of way a while ago but this no class uneducated trash getting elected is a disgrace. To use “a word salad” says it all.
    A gofundme page already exist, Brad, your got backers!

  3. She is IDIOCRACY, all the way. Amazing. Barrack wasn’t much better, without TelePrompTer.

    Her mind has the list of talking points/words, but she spouts them in order of the memorized list, nonsensically, because she has no ciomprehension of their meanings.

    Faux President, faux congresswoman, ‘fauxly’ educated. They are spawn of leftist’s policies taking over America. Mindless pawns of communism.

  4. …Would you guys PU-LEAZE stop hypothesizing about how senator crazy eyes gives blowjobs???
    I feel nauseous enough as is and you’re just making it worse. 😒

  5. Listening to that disjointed garble just gave me a brain aneurysm. 30 seconds into the video I got a splitting headache and a nose bleed.
    Next time how about a heads up.

  6. Oh, I just realized: Al Sharpton speaks the same way. You’ll NEVER see a sign language interpreter live translating for either of them.

    I watched THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS on commie you tube this weekend. Watching the captioning was hilarious. I think the captioner went to the Sharpton/Cortez school of garbled speech.

  7. She’s decorating, for cryin’ out loud! Give her a break. She will engage the intelligent side of her brain as soon as she is done with the important stuff. Like, can’t you understand that she needs to pick out the couch and chairs that match!?

    I almost threw up when I typed “intelligent” as it relates to this useless waste of oxygen.

  8. What all you all seem to be missing is the fact that everybody (including here) is talking about her.

    It’s the the old “no publicity is bad publicity.” She’s already set for life with a retirement package to die for (no pun intended). All the perks, insider trading and millions to be made going forward for her and her handlers are astronomical. She’s only twenty-eight right? Many will ride this train for some time to come (again, no pun intended).

  9. Mighty Mojo, will she go away if we drown her with saltwater like the they did in The Day Of The Triffids? She is hideous like the man eating plants in The Day Of The Triffids and the pod people in the original B&W classic movie The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.


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