“I’ll be as straight with you as I can. I think I’m the most qualified person in the country to be president.” – Joe Biden – IOTW Report

“I’ll be as straight with you as I can. I think I’m the most qualified person in the country to be president.” – Joe Biden

I’ll be as straight with you as I can, Joe Biden.

You are a big f*cking deal moron.

You aren’t the most qualified person in a county, pick one, to be president.

You are on the elite shortlist of the top 20 stupidest people ever to hold office in DC. This is not hyperbole. What puts you high on the list is your enormous ego, which establishes a ratio between smarts and hubris that is nearly unparalleled.

The Hill-

“The issues that we face as a country today are the issues that have been in my wheelhouse, that I’ve worked on my whole life.”

Biden believes he has an intellectual wheelhouse. That’s tragic.

Here he is explaining why he’s most qualified. No, I did not write this. These are his actual words.

“No one should run for the job unless they believe that they would be qualified doing the job. I’ve been doing this my whole adult life, and the issues that are the most consequential relating to the plight of the middle class and our foreign policy are things that I have – even my critics would acknowledge, I may not be right but I know a great deal about it.”

Paraphrasing Joe,

I know a great deal about being wrong, for decades and decades, and where else are you going to find that experience?


39 Comments on “I’ll be as straight with you as I can. I think I’m the most qualified person in the country to be president.” – Joe Biden

  1. “The issues that we face as a country today are the issues that have been in my wheelhouse, that I’ve worked on my whole life.”

    So you’re good at working on things but not solving anything?

  2. To be fair to slow Joe, he didn’t say which country, he said “the” country. Maybe he was talking about Venezuela. Well, actually he couldn’t run that either. Maybe he meant Cuba, nope, not there either. Maybe he meant that fictional country of Joeland. Yep, I bet that’s what he meant.

  3. Kind of funny; Ronald Reagan was 69 (and in excellent physical shape) in 1980, and was derided by the democrats for being “too old”, but Joe will be 78 in 2020, and Hillary will be 73 (and at death’s door), but they are the “most qualified” to ever run for the presidency in the history of the country!

  4. Every time I think about Biden running for office anymore it always brings to mind how he dismantled Paul Ryan in that debate.

    That says everything you need to know about Ryan. I’ve heard rumors he’s considering a run for the presidency and I hope not because even Occasional Cortex is likely to give him a drubbing in a debate.

  5. This is the hubris of an asshole who is never asked a question about his son that didn’t die and his sweetheart deals with Russia and the ChiComs.

    How do you go from getting kicked out of the Navy for cocaine after VP dad pulled strings to get you in and immediately go from that to sitting on the Board of Directors of a Russian gas monopoly and no “reporters” ask a single goddamned question about it?

    He puts his greedy pedo-paws on every child in reach but Biden, to the media, is untouchable.

  6. “… I’m the most qualified person in the country to be president.”

    If that is true – IF that is true – we should roll up the sidewalks and turn out the lights. We are in worse shape than Germany, England, and France – combined – Merkel, May, and Maricon (triple Ms?) do make SOME sort of sense (in a defeatist, socialist, surrender kind of way).

    Biden is a certified imbecile – playing second fiddle to the odious Obola proved that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I have a deep contempt for 0bama but with Biden it has always been more of a deep disgust; I can’t stand that smarmy, denture-wearing, Brylcreem-headed, smug elitist.

    From this point forward, Biden needs to be hounded and heckled at each and every public forum/appearance about his kid-touching. Draw everyone’s attention to it. He groped, fondled, nuzzled, and ground his pelvis into the children of elected officials. Its all on video.

  8. Experience matters. That’s why the high school dropout who’s worked as a bagger/cart jockey at Ralph’s grocery for the past 30 years is more qualified to run the store than the new manager with an MBA.

    At least that’s how Joe sees it.

  9. @Viet vet

    During the LBJ years, there was an ancient (late 80’s) Senator from AZ named Carl Hayden who rose to be second in line for succession to the Presidency, just after JFK’s assasination

    Opponents of Carl Hayden actually called him “LBJ’s assasination insurance” — a truly sick joke given the circumstances

  10. BREAKING NEWS: Former Vice President Joe Biden has died.

    He was trampolining in his living room and broke his neck when he hit his head on the ceiling.

    Funeral plans are pending.

  11. @Callmelennie: Since Carl Hayden (who was President Pro Tempore of the Senate at the time) was only second in line after Johnson, wouldn’t that have made John W. McCormack, who was Speaker of the House, actually “LBJ’s assassination insurance”?



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