British politician releases 250 pages of Facebook and Zuckerberg’s Bombshell emails – IOTW Report

British politician releases 250 pages of Facebook and Zuckerberg’s Bombshell emails

Geller Report: All Zuckerberg cared about was these documents not seeing the light of day. Who the hell does he think he is that the American judicial system should protect such a scoundrel? Worse still, a U.S. judge had ordered the papers remain secret, but a British MP defied the order.

Zuckerberg privately admitted that what’s good for the world isn’t necessarily what’s good for Facebook.

In one of the emails, Zuckerberg candidly admits that Facebook’s interests aren’t always aligned with those of its users and the broader world.

Zuckerberg and co. planned to sell phone call records, charge app developers 250K per year to access users’ data — evil. Facebook is evil.  MORE HERE


5 Comments on British politician releases 250 pages of Facebook and Zuckerberg’s Bombshell emails

  1. Well let’s see… he started the company by stealing two classmates’ idea.

    And the idea itself sort of commenced as a thing that was fashioned after… well, if you’re an oldster like me, do you remember the “slam books” that were passed around in grade school? Notebooks with a page for everyone’s name, and people got to “post” anonymously on the pages.

    And then once it expanded to public social media, although its utility now has enlarged, it grew at first by filling a need for people who couldn’t manage to send emails, handle listserve groups, or put up their own webpages.

  2. Sadly, I admit to belonging to FB for a month, many, many years ago. I am glad I bailed way back then. I has become 100X more incidious. Blow FB out of existance. Make America a better place.


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