Creepy Porn Lawyer Ordered To Liquidate Assets Because He’s Been a Deadbeat Dad – IOTW Report

Creepy Porn Lawyer Ordered To Liquidate Assets Because He’s Been a Deadbeat Dad

Wash Times-

A Southern California judge has transferred assets including an airplane and a Ferrari from porn actress Stormy Daniels‘ lawyer Michael Avenatti as part of his divorce, according to court records obtained Thursday.

Orange County Judge Carol Henson on Tuesday ordered some of Avenatti’s assets be liquidated and sold for back child and spousal support.

Although the total amount Avenatti owes is unclear, he was previously ordered to pay more than $150,000 a month in child and spousal support.


He wasn’t paying child support while riding around in a Ferrari and flying in a jet?

Let me guess, one of his platform issues when running for president was going to be climate change.

In all seriousness, put this guy on suicide watch.


10 Comments on Creepy Porn Lawyer Ordered To Liquidate Assets Because He’s Been a Deadbeat Dad

  1. Typical leftist idol: a person so despicable, ‘painting them in a bad light’ is unnecessary.
    All that’s necessary is to expose who they really are !

  2. While I’m no apologist for Michael Avenatti, but $150,000 a month??? A month??? $1,800,000 a year? I hope Mikey enjoyed his time with his bride. Maybe it’s chump change for him. I never made $150k in a year.

  3. How on earth did this ignorant, incompetent boob ever earn enough money to afford all that stuff, unless he was being paid directly by the DNC, Hillary, and George Soros.


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