CVS Sells Blinds? Ohhh I get it… – IOTW Report

CVS Sells Blinds? Ohhh I get it…

17 Comments on CVS Sells Blinds? Ohhh I get it…

  1. Didja hear about the blind man who walked in on the Nun while she wuz taking a shower?
    It didn’t really bother her cuz he had a nice set of Venetians that she really liked!

    Whut kills me is that a lot of places still print out a roll of toilet paper for a receipt by default in what wuz supposed to be a paperless society twenty years ago!

  2. Super annoying to purchase a single item and get a 2ft long receipt. I like to file receipts into my wallet as I get them. It gives me a short term, quick reference to purchases in case of a return or just remember what I bought. Then I shred or burn them. It seems more recently, all receipts have grown in size. Used to be a simple 2-3 item purchase, the receipt was no more than the length of a dollar bill. Just about every one in my wallet now has to be folded, even single item purchases.

  3. Geoff the Aardvark
    I was at a stoplight with my kid in the car.
    He said “What are those things in the back of that truck?”
    “Oh. That’s a junk trunk and those are all mufflers he’s probably taking to the recycler.”
    “Well why is that truck so loud?”
    “Because that truck doesn’t have a muffler.”

  4. Sears/Kmart just as bad…Winn-dixie is getting there…75% of

    My purchases at Winn-dixie is(are?) Beer….All of the Coupons are

    for Baby Formula and Summer’s Eve…Maybe the Computer System

    thinks I’m a Woman for drinking Light Beer !!!!!

  5. Why does every damn receipt I get want me to participate in a survey telling them how shitty my experience was? Places like Home Despot print the receipt in English and Mexican as well as the all the information for the survey. The shortest receipt you get at Home Despot is 14 inches.

    Why stop there? It’s offending several groups of people using only 2 languages and only black and white. Just wait until SJWs have their way with receipts, you’ll need to bring you filing cabinet shopping. And Globull Warming be damned, SJW demands are first.

  6. walked into a Home Depot restroom. One urinal was out of order and the sign was only in english.

    Dont know if the mexicans were able to figure that out but i didnt slip on any p on the floor. Wish i woulda taken a picture.


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