Community Standards – IOTW Report

Community Standards

Back in October, an Iowa man checked out books from the Orange City Public Library. The titles were David Levithan’s “Two Boys Kissing”; Suzanne and Max Lang’s “Families, Families, Families!”; Gayle E. Pitman’s “This Day in June”; and Christine Baldacchino’s “Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress,” all LBGTQ themed stories directed at children.

Paul Dorr, described locally as a religious activist, then hosted a half-hour long live post on Facebook where he tossed the material into a fire. Mr. Dorr is to appear in court on January 22nd to face misdemeanor charges of 5th degree criminal mischief. More

11 Comments on Community Standards

  1. It’s gotta certain Nazi feel to it. This “Religious Activist” might serve his flock better by teaching them to turn away from perversion instead of acting like Karl Göbel at a picnic.

  2. I agree with Bad Brad. I don’t like the books he burned, and would do what I could to counter their message, but book burning is just another censorship act, which makes him as wrong as what he burned.

  3. When our kid was still a kid — about nine or so — we visited the Ballard library, an overblown, ridiculously costly tribute to “green” building, one afternoon. There, smack dab in the middle of the book checkout area sit the library’s computers where, on most days, they are monopolized by men watching porn. It’s plainly visible to anyone casually walking by the area. If you’re a child of five, six, seven — nine, you’re exactly the right height to get a full view, because a computer sitting on a table is about the same height as a kid standing up.

    Don’t bother to complain about it. It’s their “right” to access whatever they want.

    You can find nearly every screwball book ever written by screwball Leftists at a public library, but try to find anything worth reading by a conservative. No Thomas Sowell in the entire Seattle public library system.

  4. What sick demented mind writes LBGQT books for kids? That said, there are proper channels for registering one’s objection to the material made available to children, burning books plays right into the desire to be victimized by the perverted.

    Speaking of which,

  5. Public library doesnt require any book that has been printed should be on the shelves. These libraries are run by sick bitches that want your kids exposed.

    Having said that, I believe the man is correct. Just because they are in print, just like the computer porn, doesnt mean it should be there.

    Another BTW, Orange City and points NW of there only allowed stores to open on sundays during the late 80’s. Dutch Reformed had a strangle hold on all the dyke jumpers there. It was a bitch working in that area. When I hauled milk back then we had to back into our first stop at 12:01 am Monday and we did it as loudly as we could.


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