Snopes Gets It Wrong Again – IOTW Report

Snopes Gets It Wrong Again

Liberty News: Leftist phony “fact checker” site has been caught botching its review of a meme on the GOP and Obamacare, yet the website is so smug and secure of its position in the progressive universe that it refuses to climb down from its flagrantly erroneous conclusions.

The online meme shows a photograph of President Trump posing with Republican lawmakers and administration members after the House voted to repeal Obamacare in 2017. Thirty-three of the faces have a red “X” drawn over them. “Everyone with an X has since been voted out of Congress,” the meme reads.

Fact Fantasy Land

Nicholas Kitchel, a former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer, shared the tweet in November. Negative feedback was immediate and overwhelming. The Daily Caller details the numerous errors within the photo, the most obvious being that the majority of people represented with a red X, in fact, went on to be re-elected in 2018. Hmmm, seems like a big mistake. Moreover, a few more decided not to run for re-election and a couple of those marked with an X weren’t even members of Congress in the first place. Kitchel himself deleted the tweet after acknowledging it to be filled with errors.

Yet despite all this, you can go onto Snopes right now and see that it has verified the meme as “True” (here is an archived copy, just in case the site eventually decides to get its act together). The website explains that since 33 House Republicans did go on to lose their seats in the 2018 midterms, that makes the meme factual, even though those specifically pictured were never X’d out by the American people.

The arrogance of Snopes keeping its patently false “verdict” despite widespread ridicule over the meme in question shows how supposed statements of “facts” are merely vehicles for leftist political belief. Snopes and fellow left-leaning “fact checkers” like PolitiFact have been caught twisting the truth as they see fit so many times that the Media Research Center has organized a concerted effort to keep tabs on their egregious falsehoods.

Psychological Need

So, why do obviously partisan groups try to portray themselves as unflinching champions of unalloyed truth? Yes, it is a normal part of the distorting “mainstream” fake news propaganda machine we see in operation today. But there’s even more to it. Progressives love expertism – not just as a political weapon, but as the way they want to see themselves in the world. They are the smart ones, the informed ones. They have the facts on their side. In reality, the phony fact checkers are as much about progressives deceiving themselves as they are about fooling unwitting readers.  read more

4 Comments on Snopes Gets It Wrong Again

  1. They said the bitch at Snopes came to work for them after imagineering and fabulizing at the hysterical fake news clearinghouse Raw Story.

    Was Common Dreams, the Democratic Underground, Think Progress and Alternet not available?

    Snopes needs to stick to policing internet folklore. Remember National Gas Out Day from way back before “we couldn’t drill our way to energy independence”?

    GuevaRating: False.

    Fuck Snopes in their gaping commie boipussies.


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