New York City gives Al Sharpton’s daughter 95K for a sprained ankle – IOTW Report

New York City gives Al Sharpton’s daughter 95K for a sprained ankle

Breitbart: Al Sharpton’s daughter bagged $95,000 in settlement money from New York City for spraining her ankle on an uneven Manhattan street—even after posting photos of herself on social media climbing mountains and wearing high heels months after the fall.

Lawyers for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio paid Dominique Sharpton, 32, a $95,000 settlement after admitting the city had been aware of the cracked pavement but did not fix it.

“After a thorough evaluation, we determined that settling this case was in the best interest of the city,” a spokesman for New York City’s Law Department said in a statement.  Read the rest

16 Comments on New York City gives Al Sharpton’s daughter 95K for a sprained ankle

  1. Yew York City Lawyers suck. NYC Taxpayers are hit with shit like this every day. The “Slip N’ Fall” lawyers know the city streets and subways are an easy mark. “If You Fall, Give us a Call.” Fugetaboutit.

  2. “After a thorough evaluation, WE determined that settling this case was in the best interest of the city,”

    Of course they did.
    lawyers, the politically class, anti-Americans…. I’m being redundant

  3. Anyone remember the movie The Fortune Cookie with Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon. The jist being a phony disability lawsuit brought by Walter Matthau’s shady, shyster, ambulance chasing lawyer character after Jack Lemon got hit and supposedly injured with whiplash by Jim Brown in an accident on a football field. It’s a great movie by Billy Wilder with Walter Matthau playing Whiplash Willie the shady lawyer.


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