CBS Shows Nude Art During NFL Broadcast – IOTW Report

CBS Shows Nude Art During NFL Broadcast

Breitbart Video: You never quite know what you’re going to see during an NFL broadcast. The modern fan can safely assume he’ll be treated to a bevy of political protest, occasional profanity, gratuitous and hilarious celebration, and, of course, interminable replays.

However, fans watching the Dolphins defeat the Patriots on Sunday got a lot more than they bargained for when CBS showed male frontal nudity during the game.

14 Comments on CBS Shows Nude Art During NFL Broadcast

  1. I still remember a baseball game between the Yankees and the Red Sox where they showed a young fan in the stands at Fenway Park who had a eff the Yankees hat on when a ball went foul. On the replay they didn’t show that kid again, it was only momentary but it was funny. And if you read lips baseball players swear all the time but for the most part they don’t get caught.

  2. Well … they’re watching football … after all.
    Big, sweaty mens chasing each other around a field grabbing at their balls.

    till the water boys showz up … hehehhehehehehehhehheeeh!

    Baby, it may be cold outside! but its hot in the shower!

  3. NFL sales have bee down 3 straight years (both TV and tickets!). CBS is clearly worried about losing more viewers! ESPN has actually been the hardest hit. Ask Bocephus.


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