Denver’s Heroin Distribution Scheme Illustrates Liberal Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

Denver’s Heroin Distribution Scheme Illustrates Liberal Hypocrisy

DAILY CALLER: “Progressives” are now agitating for a federal government monopoly (technically, a monopsony) over the purchase of health care. This “single payer” system would give federal politicians and bureaucrats absolute power over our access to lifesaving and other beneficial drugs.

Clearly, these “progressives” trust the central government with vast power over law-abiding citizens’ access to good drugs. But some change their tune when the central government tries to prevent addicts and abusers from getting bad drugs.

In direct defiance of federal law, the “progressive” city council of Denver, Colorado voted 12-1 to authorize city distribution of free heroin to addicts. Some left-of-center state lawmakers are thrilled with the idea. They want to change Colorado law to allow Denver to proceed.

No surprise there: When Colorado defied federal law to “legalize” marijuana, most left-of-center politicians loved it. No, they were not really taking a stand for local control or for personal freedom. They were supporting a jerrybuilt legal scheme that, like many other “progressive” programs, looks more like racketeering than true legalization.

Colorado’s pot scheme doesn’t simply permit cannabis sale and use. Rather, the state grants limited permission to sell and use in exchange for more government. MORE HERE

8 Comments on Denver’s Heroin Distribution Scheme Illustrates Liberal Hypocrisy

  1. Remember all the data that showed how drugs destroyed low-income families, Blacks, Hispanics and how it was creeping into middle-income families and wreaking havoc on lives, health, finances, and family units?? I do but now it’s all about legalizing drugs because all that other data apparently doesn’t make a dent in the liberal progressives bid for power. They think correctly that it is far easier to rule over drug-addled sheep than warriors.

  2. Power and money (which then begets more power and then more money). The politicians want to tax the sales (never mind the negative social impact). Now they want to “legalize” more powerful drugs?? Do they want a nation of stoners who will vote for any stupid policy that gives the elites more power??

  3. The Colorado Springs Gazette just had a Sunday write-up about a big study that concluded every $1.00 in pot tax revenue ultimately costs taxpayers about $4.50 in service costs to combat its negative effects.

    Anyone want to bet the over/under on what “safe” heroine is going to costs?


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