Most Democrats Wait Until They’ve Been Sworn In Before Acting A Fool. But Not Her! – IOTW Report

Most Democrats Wait Until They’ve Been Sworn In Before Acting A Fool. But Not Her!

DMF: And here we thought nobody could be as entertaining as Joe Biden. Little did we know….. After being mocked merciless over the weekend for saying the age requirement on running for president only applies to men, and then telling Hanukkah celebrants at a synagogue that she was Jewish, Alexandra Ocashew Cortex, in a response to a tweet bashing outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan, compares herself to Paul Ryan and claims to be being treated unfairly because of a double standard.   FIND OUT MORE

9 Comments on Most Democrats Wait Until They’ve Been Sworn In Before Acting A Fool. But Not Her!

  1. Not even close.. OK I am OLD

    In ’72 a Dem coward (had his very rich relatives get Navy to order him to run away, after serving 1/5 – 20% of 1 tour!) said that, “… in ’68 Nixon ordered me back to Nam>”! The America haters in the MSM repeated this lie many times the next 32 years.
    I was in Nam in ’68. In ’68 Nixon was a private citizen , living in exile in SoCal. He could only give orders to his dog! LBJ was President in ’68.

    JFK was, and still is, an America hating fool (very, very rich)and had we ever had an honest press his dumbness would have been “the talk of the town” 46 years ago.

    She seems to be a member of the UNIPARTY so she, like JFK , will get a pass from the “news”!

    But JFK proved himself a fool 13 years before he became a Congressman!

  2. This new member of “The Club” could actually be a fun and interesting project for some of our enterprising ‘deplorables’. She’s obviously addicted to social media, and probably can’t help looking at the responses to her posted drivel.

    If a lot of deplorables, and I do mean a shit load, made her their mission to castigate, lampoon, ridicule, correct, educate… you see where I’m going here.

    Not talking about harshing or outright bullying. Just feedback on her feeds that shows HER what an idiot she actually is.

    Just remember if you embark on this, never take her seriously about anything. Don’t give her victim status. Just point out the stupid.

  3. Wow…. her nuclear powered stupidity is starting to turn me on.

    I mean, dumb bimbos are boring after a while. You lose interest. But this skirt… it’s like discovering there’s an entire extra wing of your house you never knew about. Every damn day she says something that makes me bat my eyes coyly and say “reeeeeaaally?”


  4. envisioning one really great ‘joke’ book … ‘The Wit, Wisdom & Inflated Ego of Future President Ocassio-Cortez’

    (was going to include her chapter in ‘Great DemocRat Quotes’ … but, the way she’s going, by the time she completes her first term she’ll command a whole tome)

  5. “Future President Ocassio-Cortez’”

    It’s coming. When Twitter is the National Election Office, most of the electorate are ‘on the spectrum’ (15 years from now max), and most of the old white guys finally got killed off paving the way for the blooming of Utopia.

    Magic will re-appear on the planet because technology looks like that to idiots. But because they don’t know how to maintain the tech, the magic will die. Along with billions of them. The oral histories will be epic, and disjointed because without even paper and pencil, much less a non-thumbed text entry methodology, literacy will be extinguished once again.

    The thunder gods will re-appear, and once more we will burn witches to much satisfaction.


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