Ben & Jerry’s Stands By The Women’s March Amid Report Of Anti-Semitism – IOTW Report

Ben & Jerry’s Stands By The Women’s March Amid Report Of Anti-Semitism

DC: Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is standing by their partnership with Women’s March despite a report released Monday night alleging anti-Semitism through the ranks of their leadership structure.

Ben & Jerry’s unveiled “pecan resist,” last month, describing it as a campaign dedicated to “[championing] those fighting to create a more just and equitable nation for us all.” They are partnering with four progressive organizations with this new flavor and they are Color of Change, Honor the Earth, Neta and the Women’s March. Part of the partnership included a $25,000 donation.

In a story published Monday night, Tablet magazine alleges that two of the founders of the Women’s March, Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory, shared anti-Semitic views during the organizers’ initial meeting.  MORE

5 Comments on Ben & Jerry’s Stands By The Women’s March Amid Report Of Anti-Semitism

  1. B&J make Ice Cream. Ice Cream is made from cow’s milk. Cow farts cause global warming. Global warming affects minorities and women the most. Ben & Jerry must be racist & misogynist. Now I hear they are ant-jew bigots? Let’s all boycott Ben & Jerry’s

  2. The various ways muzzies will liquidate them two Jews:

    -smother them to death by shoving their yarmulke’s down their throats.
    -force B & J to eat Pecan Resist ice cream till they explode
    -put them into a small room with Linda Sourass who will let off megaton she-ite farsi-farts – y’know, the old-fashioned but effective “gassing” method.

    B & J deserve it….crummy communist red-diaper babies from NYC.

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