Strasbourg, France: Jihadi on watch list kills 3 in Christmas market terrorist attack – IOTW Report

Strasbourg, France: Jihadi on watch list kills 3 in Christmas market terrorist attack

French police union officials confirmed on Wednesday to the Associated Press that the suspect was 29-year-old Cherif Chekatt, a Strasbourg resident with a police record in France and Germany who had been flagged for extremism.  His name had been widely reported by French media.

Paris prosecutor Remi Heitz said Wednesday that witnesses reported hearing the gunman shout “Allahu Akbar,” Arabic for “God is great,” during the attack.  Prosecutors have launched a terrorism investigation into the shooting, but authorities have not yet confirmed a motive for the bloodshed.

Entire story here

8 Comments on Strasbourg, France: Jihadi on watch list kills 3 in Christmas market terrorist attack

  1. The yellow jackets should redirect their efforts toward this travesty of coverup!

    Where else in the universe — the natural world — do we deny the deleterious effects of a particular predatory animal, noxious substances, or high risk of death/injury situations? Nowhere, that’s where! We have shark warnings on beaches, falling-to-your-death warnings on cliffs and outcroppings, Mr. Yuk on household chemicals, prescription warnings, even entire organizations warning us about drinking and driving, smoking, obesity, and sitting for too long! In fact, I’d venture to say that 30% of the cost of EU’s regulatory apparatus is ALL about SAFETY warnings!!

    But, there it is, a culture that undoubtedly has at least a 50% chance of killing you given the right circumstances and not a word, not even a late-night PSA.

    What a world, what a world, what a world.

  2. And yet the French authorities pat down the French sheeple leaving the crime scene. The bad guy got away but they dare not utter the word Islam because….

    Bring in the ‘Grieve’N’Go’ van filled with flowers, candles, and teddy bears for sale. Make a pile of sadness with your vigils, the tv coverage of which is Comedy Central for the enemy within.

    But never ask who or why. That’s blasphemy against the prophet and Islamophobia.

    I can no longer work up sympathy for people who don’t rise up and demand death of the invaders.

  3. “on watch list”, must be a mickey mouse watch list. 1. Citizens not watched out for. 2. Lets watch what he does. 3. Lets watch who he kills. 4. Lets watch out not to get in his way. Yea, and number 5. Don’t do anything until he kills a bunch of innocents.


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