Trump cancels White House Christmas party for the press – IOTW Report

Trump cancels White House Christmas party for the press


The decision is hardly shocking, given Trump’s constant attacks on “fake news” and the overwhelmingly negative coverage of him and his administration. In recent weeks, the White House pulled the credentials of CNN’s Jim Acosta after he refused to give up the microphone at a news conference and restored his pass only after the network filed a lawsuit.

Trump has also twice refused to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner, a tony media awards dinner attended by every president since Richard Nixon.

While dropping the media party, the White House is in the midst of a full panoply of other parties this holiday season. Selected media people generally favorable to Trump, including a few Fox News hosts, have made those guest lists.

Some critics questioned whether those who cover or comment on the White House should engage in such socializing, but few turned down the invitations. Many Trump supporters who view his coverage as unfairly harsh will undoubtedly welcome the president’s decision to exclude the media establishment, at least for this year.

ht/ fdr in hell

29 Comments on Trump cancels White House Christmas party for the press

  1. The press sees every appearance by the president as an opportunity for him to misspell/mispronounce a word or some other minor faux pas so they can make headline news with it.
    Why feed the beast, especially on the backs of the taxpayers?

    Fake news is what he called it, and he hasn’t been wrong yet.

  2. Glad to see that our POTUS isn’t going to hypocritically throw in with the D.C. circus who only play act being hostile then share an off-color joke around the punch bowl. The perks are drying up — the WH press should, too.

    Nothing in the constitution says tax payers should pay for the media to attend lavish parties at the WH, anyway. Nothing worse than to have a big hole on your calendar where the highlight of your year used to be. Only a fool would invite those nasty neighbors who have nothing good to say about, or to, you the rest of the year.

  3. Tell them that the budget got blown on legal fees for being sued by Jim Acosta. Hit him and CNN up for some cocktail weenies.

    And please stretch before patting your backs on what a great job you did this year. Wouldn’t want you to break your arms. Or, necks from attempting to suck your own dicks about what a valuable service you provide to the country.

  4. @Cliche G — You hit on something there that needs repeating: POTUS Trump is putting this on Acosta. If the rest of the press corp — with whom Trump has provided amazing, unprecedented access — can see how Acosta has negatively affected their WH assignment perks, maybe they’ll frag him for it. Same for April Ryan.

    “It’s time to choose, boys and girls. Either you sit up straight and behave like professionals, or you can follow Jim Acosta off his cliff.”

  5. Too bad. This would have been a great venue for Project Veritas (or their colleagues) to interview slightly inebriated biased reporters on tape for their REAL opinions and ulterior motives. Just sayin’.

  6. Anon: Well, they all stood with him. Including Fox even though he never did that for them during the Obama years.

    They had a budget. They’ll eventually sue over the “new rules”. That’s next year’s budget.

    And just to be clear, by this time in Obama’s first term Michelle My Belle had already been declared Woman of the Year three times, Obama was winning spoken word Grammys for both of his books, Mooch was on the cover of everything from Vanity Fair to Popular Mechanics and every interview consisted of what’s your favorite syrup on your waffle and what’s it like to be so cool.

    I don’t think Melania’s been on one magazine yet and she’s a fucking cover model. I couldn’t tell you the last time Trump did an interview with someone other than Hannity.

    I recall Chuck Todd saying that he would never have Kelly Conway on his show again because she’s a liar who can’t be trusted and they have all effectively boycotted the President outside of shouting questions from the peanut gallery. A peanut gallery that was almost completely closed for 8 years while the stenographer pool recited whatever Ben Rhodes gave them to re-print.

    OTOH, if you opened up a bar and had someone taking photos, that would probably provide a lot of blackmail opportunities for the hallowed Press. Have some hookers or Instagram models attend and the #MeToo fallout would be legendary.

  7. I would invite them all and have them make plans and get all dressed up; then cancel about 2 hours before the scheduled time. Waste as much of their time as possible. Do it on a night when the local restaurants are really full too so their stuck with stopping @ Subway.

  8. Why can’t they get the ATF-Branch Davidian Treatment instead? PSSSST ! You might find a meth lab at one or more of these presstitutes’ homes so it’s a “go” with JTF-6 military assets and flammable CS gas.

    Just sayin’.

  9. “This would have been a great venue for Project Veritas (or their colleagues) to interview slightly inebriated biased reporters on tape for their REAL opinions and ulterior motives”

    ..they’ll have many other opportunities, @Anonymous. It’s NEVER hard to find a “slightly inebriated biased reporter”, and THESE days, they are not shy about their biases AT ALL…

  10. Given Trump’s constant attacks on the fake news?????
    Get over yourself Fox.
    How about given the fake news media’s constant attacks and collusion with democRATS the party is cancelled???
    I don’t blame him.

  11. Exactly beachmom,
    what they characterize as “attacks” I deem as defenses. How many times have their stories been exposed as false?! False=FAKE, particularly when any “correction” is lame, half-assed or never given.
    No one can dismiss that they have all, always been derogatory and negative covering OUR President.
    These days, FOX SUX.


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