Indiana School Prevented Shooting – IOTW Report

Indiana School Prevented Shooting

Daily Caller: An Indiana school prevented a devastating shooting Thursday by being prepared and swift to respond, according to police officers.

Police waited outside of Dennis Intermediate School in Richmond, Indiana, Thursday morning after a tipster alerted law enforcement of a potential shooting.

“Had they not made that call, there is no doubt in my mind that we would be having a much different conversation here right now,” one of the Indiana State Police (ISP) officers said at the press conference.

Officers confronted the suspect, believed to be a 14-year-old male, outside of the school, according to an ISP news release. The suspect was able to enter the locked school by shooting the glass of the locked door. Police went after the shooter.

The suspect, who is not a student at the school, died of an “apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound,” the press statement said.

No students, staff or police officers were injured.  MORE

16 Comments on Indiana School Prevented Shooting

  1. The shooter didn’t attend the school. The shooter gained entrance by shooting a lock off a door. (That sounds thin.)

    A bunch of people got real lucky here. This is why teachers should be armed.

  2. I don’t want to sound like a libtard
    but what does that say about our current
    state of affairs in this country where a
    14 year old feels he needs to blow away innocent
    people with a powerful hand gun ??? When I was 14 all I
    wanted to know what was under my female classmates training bra…

  3. From the full article: “(Indiana State Police) superintendent Doug Carter said this was the second school shooting in Indiana in 2018.” School shooting? Well, maybe; the kid DID literally ‘shoot the school’ (but no people) when he shot out the glass…

    Seriously, though, WTF goes wrong with people? Where does anybody get the idea that killing and maiming a bunch of people and then splattering your own brains across the ceiling is the way to deal with your problems? When I was 14/15 yrs. old, My father was an alcoholic, my mother was neurotic as hell, I was a favorite target of the bullies in my school and neighborhood, and we couldn’t afford a shrink. Even if we could’ve, there was a stigma attached to going to one. If you did, you were “crazy”; and if the neighbors found out, they’d gossip about it and peer at you from behind their living room curtains.

    What worked for me was talking about my problems with some of my friends; and they understood because they had their problems, too, and so we turned to each other for support and sympathy. It helped a lot.

    A lot of us lived with guns of one kind or another in the house, too, but nobody had gun safes or locks. The means to do something radical were available, but it never crossed our minds, because you just. didn’t. DO shit like that.

    And now people DO do shit like that; but just as important, the stigma of getting emotional/mental help has all but disappeared, and people are praised for getting the help they need. But in my experience, good connections with good friends are also pretty helpful at keeping your head screwed on straight; and a lot cheaper than a shrink.

  4. Thought Bone Tomahawk was pretty awesome, even for the sad ending. Will always appreciate Tombstone. Russell and Kilmer, best DOC Holiday movie ever.
    johnny ringo i’ll be your huckleberry,,,


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