Civil Asset Forfeiture: How “Policing For Profit” Helps Fund Your Local Police Department – IOTW Report

Civil Asset Forfeiture: How “Policing For Profit” Helps Fund Your Local Police Department

Thank you Jeff Sessions for your one and only contribution as AG – the EXPANSION of civil asset forfeiture. You little dope.


Picture this: You’re driving home from the casino and you’ve absolutely cleaned up – to the tune of $50,000. You see a police car pull up behind you, but you can’t figure out why. Not only have you not broken any laws, you’re not even speeding. But the police officer doesn’t appear to be interested in charging you with a crime. Instead, he takes your gambling winnings, warns you not to say anything to anyone unless you want to be charged as a drug kingpin, then drives off into the sunset.

This actually happened to Tan Nguyen, and his story is far from unique. It’s called civil asset forfeiture and it’s a multi-billion dollar piggybank for state, local and federal police departments to fund all sorts of pet projects.

The current state of civil asset forfeiture in the United States is one of almost naked tyranny. Don’t believe us? Read on.

more HERE



19 Comments on Civil Asset Forfeiture: How “Policing For Profit” Helps Fund Your Local Police Department

  1. Civil asset forfeiture is an abomination to the Constitution. Anyone who holds that this legal-through-chicanery highway robbery and grand theft is a legitimate practice should be whipped and forced away from any govt job and barred from the ballot box.

  2. Just like a 3rd world country I tell Ya.
    It burns my $SS to a frickin’ crisp…
    Lawyers are telling people to not travel
    with cash.I heard in some states the Po-Po carry
    a credit card scanner/swiper and just wipe you
    the F*** out!

  3. How moral! How ethical! How very white, of your outrage.

    Get back to me when you support the hunting of brigands, and the usual (extra judicial) fate for horse thieves.

    (And remember: Just because you weren’t the gang member that pulled *that* raid, doesn’t get you a different place in the line.)

  4. In the unlikely case anybody needs a reminder:

    Article V (Amendment 5 – Rights of Persons)
    No person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

  5. If anyone has a hard time understanding why much of the general public has little respect for “law enforcement” agencies and the entire “justice system” these days, the linked article should inform your opinions quite well.

    Far too often these days, the most prolific criminal enterprise operating in a given locale is the “criminal justice” system in its entirety (from cops, to prosecutors to judges). Most people really don’t want to believe this undeniable truth until they become victims of this pernicious, corrupt governmental system.

  6. I wish I could just take the median salary, the median retirement age, and the median tax rate.

    These are the numbers the federal government and local government expects.

    Put all those numbers in a hat at any age, FedEx it to D.C. and the local leaches. From that point forward there are no more forfeitures, no more taxes, no more fucking with me. Feed the beast and have it sleep comfortably.

    Sweet dreams.

  7. When the cops steal your money, and you file a claim to get it back, why not add about $5,000 to the claim, just to make life a little “difficult” for the thief that took it.

    And now that they have gotten away with it for a while, they are now using the same tactic for seizing our firearms. I don’t recognize my country anymore.

  8. *Legal* theft, nothing less,but nothing new. Curiously the author gave scant mention of Louisiana state police, which which rated an episode on A&E’s Bill Kurtis Investigates in the 80’s if memory serves.

  9. @Uncle Al December 13, 2018 at 9:27 pm

    > @Anonymous – Your allusions are too general

    General? Yes. Not directed at yourself.

    Allusion? If that’s your understanding, it’s still too early.


    The professional collection agents, also known as The Police, have been shaking us down for decades.

    Ferguson Police Chief Resigns After Damning Justice Dept. Report

    The Department of Justice issued a report last week that found systemic racial bias in Ferguson’s police department as well as a court system driven by profits. The report cited racial profiling by police officers and alleged that the court system functioned as a money-making enterprise that targeted the poor and minorities.

    My God people! Stop being cheerleaders for these abusive unionized shake-down artists. Remember when Conservatives were against big, bloated, unaccountable, unionized thugs? I do!

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