NY: De Blasio Apologized After Police Arrested Woman Holding Her Child, But There’s More To The Story – IOTW Report

NY: De Blasio Apologized After Police Arrested Woman Holding Her Child, But There’s More To The Story


DC: Internal agency reports reveal there is more to a scuffle where officers were caught on video snatching a child out of a mother’s arms in New York on Dec. 7.

Jazmine Headley, 23, allegedly used her 18-month-old son as a shield to avoid arrest, bit a peace officer, kicked a peace officer supervisor and was verbally abusive, according to Human Resources Administration (HRA) witness statements obtained by the New York Daily News.

The reports come after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio apologized to Headley at a weekly conference Wednesday, The New York Times reported.

“What happened to Jazmine Headley and her son Damone should never have happened, should never happen to anybody,” de Blasio said, according to TheNYT.

“What I say has to be definitive,” added de Blasio, a Democrat.

The video showed Headley on the floor as New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers tried to pull the toddler out her arms as she screamed, “You’re hurting my son. You’re hurting my son!” Headley was at the HRA office in Brooklyn to find out why daycare vouchers had been stopped for her son.

Jacqueline Jenkins, Headley’s mother, said police officers told her daughter she was blocking the hallway after sitting on the floor with her son. Jenkins added there were no empty seats in the office.

But reports say there were empty seats and the child was in his stroller when the incident started, according to the Daily News.

“She put the baby between her legs in a tight grip,” one of the documents claimed, the Daily News reported. “NYPD officers tried to get the baby off her but she was putting up a fight.”

Another witness statement said Headley “intentionally used her toddler son as a shield” once she knew police were coming.

The incident allegedly started before noon after Headley had been waiting in the office for four hours, according to the Daily News. Reports show she was asked to move multiple times, but resisted.  MORE

22 Comments on NY: De Blasio Apologized After Police Arrested Woman Holding Her Child, But There’s More To The Story

  1. Don’t muddy up the story with facts.
    Nothing stands in the way of someone receiving free stuff provided by taxpayers, not even their own child.
    NYC, like most metropolitan areas, is a shithole filled with unemployed users, abusers and losers on the taxpayers dole.

  2. The police are only guilty IF…

    1. The person abused was white. (we don’t like blacks, so it’s Ok to extract a little revenge on them via a badge and gun)

    2. The person was 100% in the right.

    3. The cop was caught on tape CLEARLY violating the law.

    4. We tire of the excuse, “Hey, it’s a stressful job!”

    5. After 30 minutes and watching the video 10-15 times, we simply can’t find even a half-assed excuse to exonerate the officer and just conclude, “Eh, not ALL police are bad, this one is, but not ALL!”

    Then we move on and pretend it didn’t happen.


  3. Alot of very young uneducated
    unemployed womens around here with
    little babies with no rings or daddies in sight…
    The child is their “pay check”.
    They come in all races & colors.

  4. Doesn’t matter. Those cops were like wild savages in a feeding frenzy. Lots of civilized ways that could have been used to accomplished the removal.
    For anybody who supports the cops behavior………or cheers them, like some of you assholes, I hope you’ll send me video if this happens to your wife, daughter, mother or grandmother. If you do, I will fire up some good weed and laugh my ass off.

  5. Go smoke your weed, you need that to remain stupid. Odds are that kid will wind up maimed into a ghetto lobster by his low impulse control, low-IQ mother.

    Or instead you could go work the street, walk in a cop’s shoes where the world isn’t a ten second slice of video on some retarded hip hop channel. Then you might not look down your nose at the rest of humanity about which your young mind has no practical knowledge.

  6. McGrew:
    I think I’ll acknowledge that the cops can become rabid pack animals and attack a sitting target that draws their attention.
    I think some of us are making the point that this lady drew their attention by acting stupidly and annoyingly to everyone around her.

  7. Mark S. Magoo –

    First of all, any female relative of mine wouldn’t be in the beggars line to begin with.

    Second, we were raised to be civilized.

    Third, LEO’s are taught/trained to get control of a situation before it gets out of control. It appears the agrieved was getting out of control.

    Fourth, sure there are some here that have a different opinion or experiences as with any community.

    But, the only asshole I see is YOU.

  8. ow my balls-My “Young Mind”? You’re ignorant. I gradiated high school last year. From a 10 second video, you can tell that an 18 month old baby, “will wind up maimed into a ghetto lobster by his low impulse control” mymymy…..ain’t you the pertheptive one? “walk in a cop’s shoes”?? I know, they have a tough job, unloved, under paid, they had to work hard to kill 900 Americans this year. Poor babies. The hard part for me though, would be a member of an organization that has the highest DOMESTIC VIOLENCE rates. Not to mention their extremely low IQ which is well documented in Police psychology tests.
    45-70 – “female relative of mine wouldn’t be in the beggars line to begin with.” Oh God no, it’ll never happen to your family…no way.
    “Second, we were raised to be civilized.” Really?? If you were, you wouldn’t be insulting my name. I’ll have you know, it’s a good Hispanic name. You’re acting racist.
    “Third, LEO’s are taught/trained to get control of a situation before it gets out of control.” Yeah I noticed. They sure had control of that 18 month old baby. The Mom was a little tougher though……..she fought back.
    “Fourth, sure there are some here that have a different opinion or experiences as with any community.” BINGO!!!! BINGO!!! You win a box of Cracker Jacks! You finally understand: Different people have different experiences in different communities, resulting in different opinions.
    Brilliant Watson!! Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!!
    And speaking of brilliant………”But, the only asshole I see is YOU” VERY OBSERVANT! You noticed my middle initial, which everybody who knows me, knows the “S.” stands for Asshole.
    Thanks for the laughs, but it’s Friday night and I gotta go finish the bag of weed I started on this morning.

  9. This “mother” purposely placed her child in harms way trying to avoid arrested for a warrant, while assaulting officers.
    She tops things off playing a victim for a rabid leftist media, yet somehow the beleaguered LEOs trying to do their jobs are the problem.

  10. Well, I think Mark S. Mcgrew is right on the money. Just sayen. This is not how you treat a free people. They deserve their day in court for the flying accusations. But there’s NO excuse for this treatment.

  11. Thank you Bad Brad….It’s nice to see a sensible comment here. One that recognizes Americans are a sensible people. (Some of us anyway)
    When did “Guilty until proven Innocent, evidence to the contrary or not.” become the default reaction??

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