Veteran Could Not Attend Event With The First Lady – Melania Took A Photo With Him Anyway – IOTW Report

Veteran Could Not Attend Event With The First Lady – Melania Took A Photo With Him Anyway

Daily Caller-

First lady Melania Trump was faced with an interesting request during a Wednesday visit to Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia. One of the women serving in the Virginia Air National Guard at the base was waiting to meet Melania with a photo of her husband, Timothy Mong, who was unable to make the event.

Mong is himself a U.S. Marine veteran and a fan of the first lady. “My wife told me she was going to meet the first lady about a week ago,” he told The Daily Caller. “I was happy for her but I was also pretty bummed I couldn’t be there to meet her in person as well.  READ MORE

9 Comments on Veteran Could Not Attend Event With The First Lady – Melania Took A Photo With Him Anyway

  1. FLOTUS defines class. POTOUS better not cheat on her again, or he risks losing my vote in 2020.


    …OK, it depends on who the Democrats run.

    (Dammit, I hate it when I have to back down on my threats.)

  2. Yeah, it would really bum me out if he actually did…FLOTUS a true treasure.
    I lean in the direction, however, that, like many mega-businessmen, and corporations, pre-POTUS Trump (VSG) found it more expedient to just pay off these salacious claims and blackmail attempts, with bullet-proof NDAs attached, than to fight it out, win it, but deal with the 24/7/365 media feeding frenzy. I believe that’s how the RevRUND Jackssson scored his walkin’ around moola. Not to mention all of those ‘sensitivity awareness’ scams which were all the rage, in corporate circles, not too long ago.


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