Never Thought I’d Be Writing This Headline: 10 Year-Old Boy Dances At Gay Bar For Money – IOTW Report

Never Thought I’d Be Writing This Headline: 10 Year-Old Boy Dances At Gay Bar For Money


“Drag Kid” Desmond Is Amazing delivered a headlining performance at a sleazy Brooklyn gay bar on Dec. 1, where the ten-year-old boy danced on stage in a crop top and full face of makeup as a throng of adult men in the audience showered him in dollar bills.


That’s all I’m linking. I’m not posting the pictures.

What has happened to this world?

The left is a cancer.


37 Comments on Never Thought I’d Be Writing This Headline: 10 Year-Old Boy Dances At Gay Bar For Money

  1. Where is child protective services in this mess? If I had encouraged my ten year old daughter to dance half naked in a bar I would have been arrested for child endangerment and had her taken away. Are we as a society so corrupted by political correctness that we can’t protect our children?

    Disgusting to the maximum!!!

  2. Desmond Is Amazing is an inspiration for all LGBTQ children. Their day is here, their time is now, whether you transphobic, homophobic, racist bigots like it or not.

  3. Take him on the road!
    San Francisco, Baghdad, Kabul, Medina, Mecca …

    His “handlers” gonna make a fortune!

    Remember a couple of years ago you did a thing on a kid-fag-farm? Maybe they could teach the little guys to dance! Endless stream of Prancers.
    (not that there’s anything wrong with that)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Never Thought I’d Be Writing This Headline: 10 Year-Old Boy Dances At Gay Bar For Money”

    …perhaps you could say, “Never thought I’d be writing this headline about AMERICA”, @BFH, but it’s actually quite common in Muslim lands, particuarly Afganistan. Search with the term “Bacha Bazi” if you have a strong stomach, but be prepared for ANOTHER bunch of pictures you don’t want to post…

    …Some Islamic, like Afghanis, consider it’s not gay if the boy doesn’t have any hair. There’s a saying in Pashtun, “Boys are for pleasure, women are for babies”, that applies just as well to liberals HERE as it does to Muslims THERE.

    Perhaps THAT’s the unholy alliance between two seemingly opposed communities. Democrats want to use Muslims to “normalize” pedophilia and end all laws concerning it under the guise of “religious freedom”. Muslims, for their part, are quite capable of helping the Democrats destroy US why they pleasure themselves with male children and look forward to the day they Caliphate comes to the entirety of America…

  5. Well, *I* looked and he is a damn good looking ten year old.

    He seems happy with it all, I suppose, and we should all hope that, in future, his life will be filled with true and solid friends, happiness and self-esteem, support from family and all loved ones and, perhaps, lots of money, too.

    (Or, at least, if not, perhaps his parents will be able to move up a couple of hundred thousand in housing stock and buy a new Mercedes or BMW for themselves…? Maybe something even slicker…?) …..Lady in Red

  6. It’s almost enough to turn Ellen Degeneres straight.

    Here’s pillowbiting pedophile Michael Strahan with saliva dripping from his gapped teeth and a studio audience applauding this bullshit over the same kid on Good Morning America of all places:

    For anyone who truly wants to be disturbed, here’s a video of the Desmond kid appearing to be drugged alongside of a convicted murderer (NSFW):

  7. This story is a nice contrast with the one about the 11 year old who had to change his name from Trump because the school was allowing him to be bullied.

    But this? Teacher’s giving extra credit after class while Mommy fans herself with the money they paid her and to cool off after all the attention she’s getting for herself by sexually exploiting her son and planting mental illness for profit.

  8. Depravity at its best or worst? Those videos are sickening. We are indeed “Slouching Towards Gomorrah.” And Sodom.
    The only ones here who seems to enjoy this depravity is Larry the Idiot Libtard, and some other asshole who gave him a TU.
    I submit, for your consideration, that Larry the Idiot Libtard be given well deserved
    neglect here.

  9. Hambone: I like to remind people that New York has 62 counties. Trump won 46 and Hillary won 16.
    Those 16 counties are the “trouble” counties for Republicans. Two million votes for Killary. The free loaders, elitists, academics,
    the NY press, net works, and the depraved rule the roost. Impossible to overcome at the moment. Just sayin.’

  10. Deviants know they’re sick and twisted. They just don’t want anyone else living normal lives as God intended. Their goal is to corrupt everything. Misery lusts after company – perverts have no love. Social Services and most government agencies are complicit with the gay agenda, so it’s unlikely this molested boy’s evil parents will face any charges.

  11. r/K theory from biology applied to politics/human behavior is the only thing that explains this stuff other than as a conservative throwing up yours hands and saying “evil” – it doesn’t excuse it but it explains the mechanisms behind this behavior in both groups, the Muslims and the Lefties.

    Basically lays out the biological basis for the kind of behavior that K-types like us have a hard time comprehending why it even happens – and explains why that is true as well.

    Basically what-conservatives-consider-incomprehensible-Evil arises from convoluted r strategies: high reproductive rate/conflict avoidance/low parental investment/save own skin if pressured, aka “rabbits”.

    Conservatives in contrast are “K”: relatively low reproductive rate/preparation for excellence in conflict/high parental investment in offspring/willingness to sacrifice self for group, aka “wolves”.

    Can’t recommend it enough:

    The predictive power is incredible once you grasp the theory, and explains conservative/liberal dichotomy in all its complexity.

  12. Where’s Child Protective Services (except when you DON’T need them)?
    Just dare to let your kids play in a neighborhood park, or walk a short distance home from school, and whoa boy, try persuading the judge you’re a fit parent.

    To the “free spirited, open minded, highly evolved commenters above…..
    If you clicked the links inside the story and viewed the history of Amaaaaing Desmond’s “evolution” from a tender 7 yo shaking his rainbow tutu while hoards of drunken gays/trans cheered him on in the NYC Pride Parade, to his full blown “performance” dancing for dollars at a gay nightclub, at the ripe age of 10, I would hope you’d re-examine your misplaced support for living his “truth” v flagrant pedaphiliac child abuse at the hands of his parents.
    If that doesn’t give you pause, you’re beyond redemption.

  13. I don’t know what to think anymore. I’ll be glad to get away from it all. I just watched a show (here) of a gap tooth black asshole with a fat-assed blonde, introduce a child dressed like an African masked weaver, who pranced down the aisle to the cheers of what looked like “average Americans.” They were cheering and clapping for this misfortunate, very bent, child. His father and mother were there. lapping it up. Being proud of him/her/it. Their offspring.
    Jesus Christ, what have we become? Any help at all would be appreciated. Brimstone, a comet, a fucking gas explosion at all the Networks and the Times, anything Jesus, anything. Please excuse my French, I’m in a bad mood right now. I am also angry. But I’m just an old man.
    Also, once the poor child was on the stage, the gap tooth nagar introduced three “Men” dressed as women. One was dressed like a Collard Sun Bird, one like a Red/Yellow Barbet, and the other like a Lilac Breasted Roller, all beautifully colored African birds.
    And the audience roared their approval. The three wise whores brought gifts to an innocent but seriously defective child. The parents showed pride and the crowds roared approval.
    Fire and brimstone needed here.
    There is something terribly wrong.

  14. moe tom: I looked over that audience and didn’t see a single straight man in it. I’m guessing they made sure they screened everybody to get the narrative they wanted.

    Don’t want any Brett Favres not clapping for Bruce Jenner at an awards show.

  15. No matter what one’s beliefs about the Bible, keep this in mind. The Genesis account of Lot’s experience in Sodom points out that every man in the city came out intending to sodomize the strangers.

    EVERY man.

    ALL of them.

    Even more horrifying when you know that Sodom evidently wasn’t some tiny hamlet. It was a city, a prosperous center of wealth and commerce.

    Point is, wicked moral contagion on a scale that big must start early and must be implemented systematically, much as we see the beginning of today. It wasn’t merely immoral and sick, it was literal evil. Still is.

  16. PS And Sodom had evil women approving of it all, just like the wicked lover of child murder Lady in Red. She wants to see this 10 year old boy die too, just in slow motion.

  17. Having a transgender child is the new status symbol for lefties. Goes right along with Michele Obama’s ghost-written new book. You just buy it to have it sit on your coffee table, to show how “woke’ you are and impress your liberal friends! :-


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