Pardon Everyone (Except That Rat Cohen) – IOTW Report

Pardon Everyone (Except That Rat Cohen)

Kurt Schlichter/Townhall: Let’s stop pretending that America in 2018 has a “justice system.” It’s not a justice system. It’s a set of elite institutions that swing the law like a sledgehammer to crush threats to the ruling class’s monopoly on power. You know, threats like the people we elect to represent our interests against the elite. And we are under no moral obligation to pretend it is anything else.

This painful to admit it, but we need to grow up. There are two sets of law in America today, meaning there is no rule of law in America today. Oh, there are statutes, and there are courts, and there are agencies full of people with guns willing to enforce the will of aspiring tyrants, but there is not rule of law. There is only power, theirs and ours. Time to get woke to the undeniable fact that the Fredocons deny up and down. Justice is no longer blind. Her blindfold is off and she’s picking favorites.

You are not one of her favorites.

You, and those you elect, are not equal under the law to members of the elite.

It’s all about power. And the guy we elected to act as a wrecking ball should use the power we gave him to make it right.

Unconvinced? Let’s try an example. If you are ex-military, or if you know anyone who was in the military, or if you aren’t a mouth-breathing half-wit, ask yourself – if you had done a fraction of what that Looming Doofus James Comey says Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit did with classified material, what would you be doing right now?

You’d be in your cell using a plastic bag in the toilet to ferment the prunes you smuggled out of the chow hall.  MORE

5 Comments on Pardon Everyone (Except That Rat Cohen)

  1. Pardon Everyone

    Because, after the guy with the bat cracks your skull… and his buddy takes your wallet… and his girlfriend takes your cell phone… and you’re let out of the ER… so you can call your credit card banks… you’ll only have to pay fifty bucks of the fake charges on each one. Oh, and hospital bill. But, hey, that’s what second and third mortgages, and bankruptcy are for. So, you’re square.

  2. “Law is now a technical means for the achievement of specific political aims.”
    “Law is merely an ‘arcanum dominitionus,’ a means for the stabilization of power.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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