Disheveled Slacker Commie Senator, Bernie Sanders, Wielded Government Hammer and Sickle To Try and Punish Innocent American Citizen – IOTW Report

Disheveled Slacker Commie Senator, Bernie Sanders, Wielded Government Hammer and Sickle To Try and Punish Innocent American Citizen

A guy who made a commercial exposing the Sanders hypocrisy of decrying “golden parachutes,” while Sanders’ wife enjoyed one, was targeted by the hunchback and dandruffed old cranky commie.

He used the power of his political position to try and sic the Vermont AG on him.

Once a totalitarian, always a totalitarian. The left is full of dangerous despotic types.

All the left knows is the government. Of course this is what they would use to go after their enemies.

This is why they need to be eradicated and removed from any positions of power.


14 Comments on Disheveled Slacker Commie Senator, Bernie Sanders, Wielded Government Hammer and Sickle To Try and Punish Innocent American Citizen

  1. Just one of the perks of Congress, don’t you know! Stupid soon to be a rep, Occassionaly Conscious Cortez, threatened to use that power, already.

    The ‘swamp’ is the American aristocracy. Many members have opened their mouths and let the truth of their disdain for their voters, tumble out. They don’t give a damn what the ‘deplorable’, ‘less intelligent’, voters want.

    They really hate us and WALL themselves behind their fiefdoms, as they loose criminals among us.

    The American Aristocratic Swamp Members of Congres and Washington DC government get away with EVERYTHING and are getting bolder with each victory of not being jailed for their criminal actions. It’s past time to clear the swamp!

  2. @Pelopidas December 17, 2018 at 11:25 pm

    > When the revolution comes, it will be their backs that ate against the wall.
    > I for one ho hope it happens while I can still wield a gun.

    Yeah… well… good luck with that.

    (There aren’t enough walls for all the backs that need them. Give this century’s technology a call if you’re willing to accept no drama… that scales.)

  3. SCREW the goddamn daily caller and their PAY-PER-VIEW site!!!

    If you insist on FORCING your readers to go to that detested site please at LEAST put their name somewhere in the body of your report so we do not have to waste our time and clicks on a loser site like that one.

    Cut-n-paste “reproting” at its finest and on par with the NYSlimes.

  4. Not just a commie, but a cowardly commie.
    He’d like o be the puppetmaster, but he hasn’t the chops, the presence, or the bucks.
    Just another smelly hippie that got into politics.

  5. cslamer
    DECEMBER 18, 2018 AT 7:20 AM
    SCREW the goddamn daily caller and their PAY-PER-VIEW site!!!

    The DC isn’t a “pay per view” site. You must be special. Of course if you’re a target, you can always whitelist them. 😉


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