Woman Who Climbed Statue Of Liberty To Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Convicted – IOTW Report

Woman Who Climbed Statue Of Liberty To Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Convicted

DC: A woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty’s base July 4 to protest President Donald Trump’s immigration policy and claimed she couldn’t bear the thought of “children in cages” received her conviction Monday.

Judge Gabriel Gorenstein announced the decision after Therese Okoumou, 44, testified Monday. She was convicted of misdemeanor charges and could be in prison for up to 18 months, The Associated Press reported Monday. MORE HERE

14 Comments on Woman Who Climbed Statue Of Liberty To Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Convicted

  1. I believe that it takes a felony conviction for deportation, but one of her type refused to help us prosecute her son for selling us her jewelry (jewelry store) using the excuse that he would be sent back to Africa. Wasn’t his fault, he had just gotten in with “a bad crowd.”

    Dollars to donuts says she serves No Time…

  2. This POS loser from another country was “SURPRISE” convicted on doing the exact same thing TWICE yet she gets a free pass into this country because….why?

    Deport her back to france so she can go for her 3rd-strike at climbing the Eiffel tower and let the frogs deal with her sorry butt!!

    OH and THANK YOU for the FREE LINK to the whole story instead of blocked-page daily caller.

  3. “In a courtroom packed with emotional Okoumou supporters, Gorenstein explained that his decision needed to be consistent whether it was Okoumou who climbed the statue or somebody with the exact opposite opinions.”

    As if someone who supported President Trump would climb the Statue of Liberty like an idiot.


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