Obama Wins The Ripple – IOTW Report

Obama Wins The Ripple


after a meaningless red line in Syria, no red line in Ukraine, and about a zillion drone strikes later, Obama has won another award: he’s been named the Ripple of Hope Laureate by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization.

Also, the only president to be at war his entire presidency.

-Richard D. Deplorable@Richard28353205

Obama has no respect for the sovereignty of the USA & did everything he could to embolden Globalist rule by United Nations & other world wide organizations. To hell with him & his views antithetical to USA sovereignty. He should become president of EU as they deserve it. Take him

-Verdad Teller @Truthteller1349

My hope began when Obama left office.

HT/ Michelle’s Big Beaver

21 Comments on Obama Wins The Ripple

  1. “Camel Shagger award more likely.”

    …nah @Anonymous, while the culture speaks to Barry, he has no interest in females of ANY species, and the MALE camels would just kick his ass…

  2. An award from a family that has the stain of bootlegging, philandering, drug abuse and letting a woman suffocate in a car. No wonder Obama accepted it, goes well with his gun running, Rev. Wright’s “down-low” club, drug abuse and letting an American Ambassador and his security detail die.

  3. “Where was Kopechne’s human right when your bro left her to drown in a submerged car when he drove off a bridge?”

    …well, as Karma would have it, Hillary had John-John and fam go to a watery grave via plane “accident” when she needed the Senate seat he would have won, so there’s that, @MJA…

  4. Thank you “RFK Human Rights organization” for defining yourselves as worthless human beings.

    Better to have been silent than to proclaim yourselves to be unworthy in this life by giving this fraud your prize. The souls of those who died at the hands of this liar, those souls will drag you down to Hell when you leave this life. Nice going.

    You fool no one. And you mock your Creator.


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