Actress is Told Playing Anti-Abortion Activist Abby Johnson Could End Her Career – She Didn’t Care – IOTW Report

Actress is Told Playing Anti-Abortion Activist Abby Johnson Could End Her Career – She Didn’t Care

What a world. A woman plays the role of woman who refuses to murder babies and she’s told her career could end.



Raised in a “conservative, pro-life family,” Johnson began volunteering for Planned Parenthood after seeing their booth at a volunteer fair at her college.[3] She says she had not heard of the group before and did not know they performed abortions, and Planned Parenthood told her they wanted to reduce the number of abortions.[3] Johnson volunteered in 2001, and progressed to the position of community services director. Identifying as “extremely pro-choice,” she worked at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas for eight years, escorting women into the clinic from their cars to prevent them from being heckled by protesters and eventually working as director of the clinic.[4] Johnson regularly encountered activists from Coalition for Life, a local anti-abortion group who waited at the clinic’s fence to talk to clients, and described extensive harassment of clinic staff by anti-abortion activists.[5] Describing death threats against herself and her family, she stated: “It’s very scary, this group of people that claim to be these peaceful prayer warriors, or whatever they call themselves, it’s kind of ironic that some of them would be sending death threats.”[5] The Planned Parenthood clinic named Johnson employee of the year in 2008.[5]


Johnson says that in September 2009, she was called in to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion at 13 weeks gestation. She said she was disconcerted to see how similar the ultrasound image looked to her own daughter’s. Johnson, who previously believed fetuses could not feel anything while being aborted, says she saw the fetus squirming and twisting to avoid the vacuum tube used for the abortion.[6]

“For the briefest moment,” she wrote in her memoir, Unplanned, “the baby looked as if it were being wrung like a dishcloth, twirled and squeezed. And then it crumpled and began disappearing into the cannula before my eyes. The last thing I saw was the tiny, perfectly formed backbone sucked into the tube, and then it was gone.”[7]


The actress playing the role is Ashley Bratcher.

An interview with her can be seen HERE.

ht/ wait for it

11 Comments on Actress is Told Playing Anti-Abortion Activist Abby Johnson Could End Her Career – She Didn’t Care

  1. Loco
    I’ve been saying the same thing for a long time. what’s keeping these people from getting organized. Especially with the poor quality of films to watch. James Wood is a must follow.

  2. SO looking forward to seeing every unrepentant child murdering abortion cultist being cast bodily into the Lake of Fire at Christ’s command. Yes I surely am because that’s the only justice the murdered will get. And it’ll do fine. Ask me how I know that.

    One of them posts in 3…2…

  3. Having been confronted (and almost arrested) by very nasty, ugly in your face people when I was rescuing at an abortion clinic and in downtown San Diego during the Republican Convention in 1996 I can tell you these people are totally demonic. Rescuing the unborn is not for the faint of heart, it took a lot of guts to do that and made me aware of how much God’s holy presence was there with us when we were rescuing and being confronted by totally mad, raving, unhinged pro abort lunatics. May God bless this actress for her courageous stand even if she never acts again.

  4. @LocoBlancoSaltine December 19, 2018 at 1:32 am

    > enough conservative actors, actresses, producers, and directors to form their own studio.
    > They would make BANK!

    But, to do that they need banks.
    And… well… you know.


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