Court Dismisses Lawsuit Seeking To Obtain Trump Tax Returns Through FISA Courts – IOTW Report

Court Dismisses Lawsuit Seeking To Obtain Trump Tax Returns Through FISA Courts

From The Hill:

Through Freedom of Information Act requests, EPIC sought Trump’s individual income tax returns from 2010 on and “any other indications of financial relations with the Russian government or Russian businesses,” according to court documents. 

In declining to provide them, IRS said tax return or return information of a third party cannot be disclosed unless authorized by law or the person’s consent.


ht/ brown eyed girl

7 Comments on Court Dismisses Lawsuit Seeking To Obtain Trump Tax Returns Through FISA Courts

  1. ‘IRS said tax return or return information of a third party cannot be disclosed unless authorized by law or the person’s consent.”

    But please, do try again when you elect a democrat president.

  2. As I’ve said before, there are only two things Trump’s tax returns can reveal:
    1. He’s rich, or
    2. He committed tax fraud and the Obama IRS was too incompetent to catch him.

  3. @Open the door

    “Elijah Cummings faces up to five years in prison for his criminal actions.”

    Yeah OK,…… Jane Fonda and John Kerry are american patriots, my dog ate my homework, Hillary won, Comey has integrity, Jeff Sessions is a bulldog and uneducated, diseased illegal immigrants will make this country greater.

    Cummings will never be indicted, the elite don’t have to worry about prosecution, after all he is a minority democrat.

  4. Hey, it’s my delusion, I’m entitled to it.
    Just pointing out double standards and hypocrisy, without screaming it.
    Make up your own mind, as it were, eh?
    Now, go check the claymores.


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