Most Progressive State in Country is the LEAST EDUCATED – updated – IOTW Report

Most Progressive State in Country is the LEAST EDUCATED – updated

Spread this one around to the leftist morons on social media that claim blue states are the smartest.

Ew Contrary. (That’s French, or somethin else fruity.)

Let’s not get too excited, though, because the attached graphic will show that this is probably due to illegals flooding over our border. Number 2 on the list is Texas.

But, then we bounce right back to another solid blue state- New York.

New York and California pretty much dictate the outcome of our national elections, and they are filled with idiots.


California No. 1 in Percentage of Residents 25 and Older Who Never Finished 9th Grade; No. 50 in High School Graduates.

ChiGuy separated them by blue and red states-

Here were his findings:

“I added a red color to the states that voted for Trump, and there’s no clear red/blue skew in the chart. What the chart DOES show is how California, Texas, and New York are getting deluged with people with little education.”

15 Comments on Most Progressive State in Country is the LEAST EDUCATED – updated

  1. How do you think ocarina-Cortez got elected in NYC. the state senate flipped Democrate for the first time in 40 years. I use public transit and it nothing but a sea of open mouth morons.

  2. California also has the highest poverty rate.

    So…. All of you good folks still working in CA, you need to work a little harder and pay more taxes. Millions of dope smokers are depending on you.

  3. boy … Kali & Tejas sure do bend the National curve, don’t they?

    (surprised Florida is only 13th, but they got all them old folks that could actually read & write that kinda skew the average)

  4. Not as definitive as I would like in order to prove my assertion that leftists are morons. Leftists are drooling idiots and their indoctrination machines,aka,the public school system are more than willing to socially promote them to a degree.

    It loads their wallets to do so.

    PS. I have been socially promoted by iotw as I showed up as anon. PHenry

  5. Seen it. Recognize it. Latchkey kids. I’ve seen it in my own very upper crust community. It’s disturbing. What’s more important? Your kids or your career. Maybe buy a 1.5 million dollar house instead of that 6 million dollar house. No parental supervision, just like their friends, and reefer madness.


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