A Pill To Make More Progressives? – IOTW Report

A Pill To Make More Progressives?

It always amazes me when the left claim they are the party of intelligentsia.

Meanwhile, as their party’s demographic grows and their influence widens, they seek to lower standards across the board.

They proudly state that white people will soon be in the minority, boasting that the left will have a stranglehold on power forever.

Question: Do minorities and illegal immigrants skew the average IQ up or down?

10 Comments on A Pill To Make More Progressives?

  1. Totalitarians posing as socialists always claim genius.

    Mao was a genius.
    Hitler was a genius.
    Stalin was a genius.
    Mussolini was a genius.
    Hoxha, Tito, Ceausescu, Castro, Obola, Pelosi, Schumer, Antonescu, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Wilson, Clinton, Carter, Roosevelt … the list is nauseatingly long … and their “genius” is mostly defined by their bestial natures and their propensities for violence. None of them – not a single one – is renowned for having invented something useful – for having eased the suffering of the halt, the lame, the poor, the retarded – or for having fulfilled the promises of his vision.

    The pill the Demonrats refer (to make genius from morons) is called Lysergic acid diethylamide – and I can assure you – it doesn’t work as intended – similarly to socialism – which never works as “intended.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I see every aspect of a modern, polite, peaceful, prosperous society degraded by the influx of no-accounts of all types, even some of local de-generation.
    Still no one answers the question, “Why does it become OUR responsibility when other government’s fail their citizens?”
    It’s just back-door globalism, and been going on for a long time.

    See it everywhere.

  3. @Tim

    Your post is genius. That long list is of geniuses of evil: film, novels, and comic books never portray the real villains of the 20th century, except for Hitler, of course.

    They resort to fictional monsters when there were plenty of real ones produced during the 20th century. Dracula was a piker compared to Chairman Mao.


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