The Worst Board Game Ever – IOTW Report

The Worst Board Game Ever


Warning: This game ruins friendships.

12 Comments on The Worst Board Game Ever

  1. If I don’t want something I suggest we eat that food for dinner and that becomes the food my wife just doesn’t want.
    Then we’re both happy.
    But she doesn’t know it.

  2. Yea, that’s the problem with that generation. Either they need to eat out and flock to the food or the food needs to flock to them. When they plan a game night with four friends, the host doesn’t even plan to cook, because millenials don’t cook, they just order out.

  3. Not that many years ago:

    ME: What sounds good.

    HER: Mmmmmm…I don’t know, just pick something.

    ME: (runs through list of things she usually likes)

    HER: Mmmmmm…nothing sounds good. Just pick something.

    ME: Okay, so how about __________?

    HER: Mmmmmm…I dunno. Just pick something.

    ME: (picks something, we go to restaurant)

    HER: (clearly unhappy with food)

    ME: So are you angry now with what I picked?

    HER: No, I’m not angry (pouts).

    Seven or eight times later…

    ME: What sounds good.

    HER: Mmmmm…I dunno. Just pick something.

    ME: No. (opens can of sardines)

    HER: (pout)


    You really have only one option in this situation:

    When you know she’s in that mood, choose nothing. Say nothing. Stay completely in neutral. Force her to pick. That way she can’t be angry with you for HER choice. If she won’t pick, open a can of something; she’s an adult, let her feed herself.

    If she gets angry no matter what you do or don’t do, don’t own it. She’s crazy.

  4. Most common food-related conversation EVER:

    “I’m starving. Let’s go out somewhere and eat.”

    “OK – Where do you want to go?”

    “I don’t care. You pick the place. I’m so hungry I’ll eat anything.”

    “OK, how about __________’s?” (Fill in the blanks with any place)

    “I don’t want that. Pick some other place.”

    (Rinse and repeat.)

  5. That’s what’s great about cooking for yourself. If you’re even halfway competent, as the food is getting ready, your appetite is there.
    Plus you can be certain no idiot spit in your food. (not kidding)

  6. Me to kids: I made this! 🙂
    Kids: I don’t want that, can I just make my own thing?
    Me: NO! You eat what I made!
    Kids: I don’t like it! You know I don’t like that!
    Me: Then you’re not hungry enough, and there’s gonna be leftovers forever.
    Husband: I will literally eat anything you make even if it’s been burned into an unrecognizable charcoal briquette. But, anyway, this is good.
    Me: AWWWWW!!! 🙂
    Kids: (Under breath whining until they are banished and eat cold leftovers much later.)

    And this happens all the time. *sigh*

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