Hilarious GoFundMe- Robots For Ladders – IOTW Report

Hilarious GoFundMe- Robots For Ladders

Someone started a GoFundMe to create robots designed to knock over the ladders being raised to get over Trump’s wall.


Robots that knock over wall ladders

A gofundme was started to help fund the wall, then some communist started raising money to help fund for ladders, so we are countering that crazy claim to raise money for robots who’s primary function will be to knock over those ladders and or break them. 😀 Its genius!

11 Comments on Hilarious GoFundMe- Robots For Ladders

  1. Build the wall out of solar panels. When the mexicans soil them, crack them, lean things on them, or otherwise make them less than optimally functional, we can point and prove to liberals that mexicans are obviously contributing to global warming by thwarting green energy efforts. Oh, and by making it out of solar panels it would be $500 billion instead of $5 billion, which doesn’t make any sense, so the democrats will be on board. We could even run a line over to mexico and hook them up with a free kilowatt to humanely charge their phones at “keep families together charge stations” in the middle of the desert.

  2. In front of the wall….Just put up a simple single wire electric fence as used in cattle country for temporary grazing uses.

    Put signs on/near said fence that say “Do not pee on fence”.

    Hose A or his brother Hose B, or their cousin PeePee will undoubtably, in an act of defiance towards the gringos, will willfully pee on fence. Hilarity will ensue. Awards can be given in various categories.

    Just a thought….

  3. Electrify the fence.

    Use green energy to do it. Win, win.

    After a couple of attempts it’ll smell like re-fried beans and taco sauce.

    That was me being racist, if anyone was unsure.

  4. That’s really funny! I love America! Where else would you find stuff like this? Honestly.

    (I’ve had the WeWillFundTheWall GoFundMe page up all day and it’s averaging about $80K/hour! It’s been fun making bets with Geoff C. what the hourly total will be. I bet it hits $16MM by morning. And a number of donations have been by “Al Sharpton”, “Barack Obama” and so on. People are having a hey day with it! Lots of donations from non-US sources, too. Have you made your contribution yet? $80. per person will get us to $5B. Give what you can, even a buck — the number of contributions are just as important. Current GoFundMe total is about 257K donations.)

  5. We need robots that will roam congress with tasers.

    Better yet, we should fit each congressperson and senator with shock collars or ankle bracelets that will zap the wearer if they breach any portion of their oath.

    Ethic (covering all items not listed) violators: zap
    Traitor to constituents:zap
    Elitist lawmaking,(excluding themselves from laws they create); zap, zap, zap
    Greed: zap
    Taking bribes: zap
    Taking ‘privilege’: zap
    Threatening or misusing power: zaaaaaap
    Not paying their interns: zap
    Misusing their interns: ZAP
    Absenteeism: zap

  6. Mighty Mojo: Have always laughed at AI development. Sure, lets let cars drive themselves, what could happen as long as an XBOX kid that has never had a license or prom date is doing the programming with a self-delusional self-proclaimed genius conman named Elon running the show. Must admit your list of installed ‘directives’ is all an IA needs. Give it at least a 8 year test period, thinks the outcome will be very meaningful and effective.

  7. Would love to see those ladder dropping robots at the high school science fairs.
    Wish I was clever enough to draw a cartoon of the ladders. I would make bunches of them out of letters spelling: Fentanyl, Meth, Heroine, Welfare Fraud, Voter Fraud, Felon,Tuberculosis, Social Security Identity Theft, Pedophile, Anchor Baby Maker, Vehicular Homicide, . . .
    You get the picture


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