Wallphobia – The Left Fears Walls Because They Know They Work – IOTW Report

Wallphobia – The Left Fears Walls Because They Know They Work


Tucker Carlson:

…why is Congress happy to pay for border barriers in Jordan, Tunisia, and Israel?

Nancy Pelosi says that walls are immoral, but for some reason, she is not flying to Jerusalem to lecture the Israelis about how they are wasting U.S. aid building walls that don’t work. Israelis know how effective walls are, that is why they have them. Israel’s wall on the Egyptian border almost completely halted illegal immigration from that country. In fact, by some measures, not one person came over once they made it taller. It turns out there is a limit to the height of ladders.

The truth, as you know and as usual, if precisely the opposite of what they’re telling you.

The left fears a border wall precisely because it would work, and could keep working long after President Trump leaves office. That is why, when pressed, invariably they fall back on their signature argument: racism! Border walls are racist!

It is just projection. Look around, who is angry, who is yelling, who is hysterical? The left. Permanent Washington and their servants in the media. They’re the ones who are terrified. They don’t want a real debate about immigration or a lot of other mindless policies they have been benefiting from for many years. They hate Trump for forcing a debate on immigration and they hate you for agreeing with him.


6 Comments on Wallphobia – The Left Fears Walls Because They Know They Work

  1. I think that Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Ryan and the rest of the wallaphobic should tear down the walls around their homes.

    If walls don’t work, they’re racist, xenophobic, and etc. what does that make the congressional aristocratic hypocrites, with their personal property walls?

    If it’s good enough for them, it’s great for us deplorables. Just as are all the other laws congress exempts itself from. Equal laws, equal opportunities for all, you bastards. We want protection from invaders.


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