Snakes on a Plain – IOTW Report

Snakes on a Plain

Texas man discovers a little surprise under his shed.

19 Comments on Snakes on a Plain

  1. I had a neighbor that worked for Michigan Cal lumber pulling green chain. They knocked down an old dead standing tree one day and found the root base was all hollowed out and full of rattle snakes. So, the decided to dynamite it. They had pissed off rattle snakes falling out of the trees for a couple weeks.

  2. Stuff of Nightmares

    However, the only way I can rationalize spiders and snakes, is that they DO get rid of a lot of rats and mosquitoes respectively, and aren’t those worse?

    So leave ’em alone, they are actually helping you.

  3. Texas has long struck me as Australia-lite, where they have more fauna than is usual that can kill you. Heck – in Texas if they don’t have enough, they’ll import it. See: private concerns homing lions and such.

    Way back when, I rented a place on the Trinity River in TX. My landlady needed some help moving a refrigerator from one of the unoccupied places on the property. I believe I would still have the same ability to reflexively move today as I did then, when the fridge uncovered a nest of scorpions. I did not know to check dark and high humidity places for them – a lesson never forgotten.

  4. Yep. Add moccasins, black widows, brown recluses, big ol tarantulas, rabies, illegals, cartels, demonicraps, tweekers, fire ants, giant stinging black centipedes, and Austin.

    No injuns, griz or wolves though. We killed all of them.

  5. Our feral cat got bit by a rattler last summer. She seems to be resilient to everything that could hurt her. We named her Jihaddie, she brings home decapitated moles and leaves them on our front door step. I think she was in competition with the rattler the day she got bit.

  6. Different Tim
    I live in the northern climate and there are plenty of rattlesnakes here. I’ve even had the critters in my garage! In the twenty years the hubby and I have lived in our home here in Montana we’ve had 4 dogs bitten (1 fatality) and two cats nailed. I carry a revolver with shot shells when I go for walks in the summer. Used it too.


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