2 Year Streak of No Tourists Murdered By Muslim Terrorists in Egypt Ends – IOTW Report

2 Year Streak of No Tourists Murdered By Muslim Terrorists in Egypt Ends


Roadside bomb hits tour bus near Giza pyramids, killing 2 and injuring 12.

Egypt has battled Islamic militants for years in the Sinai Peninsula in an insurgency that has occasionally spilled over to the mainland, hitting minority Christians or tourists. However, this is the first attack to target foreign tourists in almost two years. It will likely prompt authorities to further tighten security around churches and associated facilities ahead of the New Year’s Eve celebrations and next month’s Christmas celebrations of the Coptic Orthodox Church, the dominant denomination among Egypt’s estimated 10 million Christians. Over the past two years, militant attacks against Christians in Egypt—usually targeting churches or buses carrying pilgrims to remote desert monasteries—have killed more than a hundred people.


8 Comments on 2 Year Streak of No Tourists Murdered By Muslim Terrorists in Egypt Ends

  1. I love the Christian faithful. I really do. But I don’t love the clueless, dumbass lambs.

    Who needs to go to Egypt? Didn’t Jews escape that place? Like hundreds of years before the birth of Christ?

    Who does this?

    Is it on your Bucket list to travel to Muslim territory to visit?

    Stupid on stilts.

  2. Blame it on the so called preacher’s that tell their sheep you can walk where Jesus walked-bath in the river Jordan and be baptized and see the tomb of Christ et cetera. It’s the blind leading the blind and all fall into the ditch of hell in the end. Going to Egypt-Jerusalem doesn’t get you closer to God but opens a door into hell which the devil will be standing at saying- welcome-. Like I said, I blame the preacher’s for leading the simple minded but I also blame the simple for believing lies-false doctrine preached as truth and not searching the scriptures. Why would you follow a man that wants to stuff his pockets with your money and not follow the One that said follow me………

  3. There are things to see in Egypt that even a secular atheist would like to see; the pyramids, the Spinx and the temples.

    I would love to see the Walls Theodosius but seeing how the idea of going to Turkey is beyond my comfort zone there is no chance in hell I’d make a trip to Egypt to see anything.

    If I want to live dangerously I can drive to CA and sight see. While there I can drink the water, not worry about papers and hit an In & Out while experiencing the 3rd world and being hated because I’m a white Western male.

  4. Dumb-ass Liberals are fond of saying that if we change our lives and habits because of terrorism, it means that terrorism has won the fight.

    This thinking is beyond normal stupidity and gets into the territory of sheer blindness to reality. Any westerner who is dying to see the pyramids and steps on a tour bus to get there from Cairo has just elevated his risks to high to extremely high.

    Like the Scandinavian girl that got beheaded a few days ago who apparently thought she could go anywhere in the world, by herself, and be safe. Utter stupidity.

    And these asinine people want to rule the world. Forget that shit.


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