Another Central American Migrant Caravan Is Forming, But It’s Reportedly Not Heading For US – IOTW Report

Another Central American Migrant Caravan Is Forming, But It’s Reportedly Not Heading For US

DC: Another Central American migrant caravan is reportedly forming, but its final destination is not the U.S.-Mexico border, according to immigration activists and Mexican media.

As many as 15,000 people could travel in the migrant caravan scheduled to leave Honduras Jan. 15, according to reports cited by The San Diego Union-Tribune.

“We assume that this caravan … will pick up more people in El Salvador and Guatemala. But their aim is to arrive in Chiapas and request work there,” Irma Garrido of migrant advocate group Reactiva Tijuana Foundation said according to a story by Mexico News Daily Monday.

President Donald Trump tweeted about the caravan Friday morning and discussed closing the U.S.-Mexico border and ending U.S. foreign aid to Central American countries.

“Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the United States but taking our money. Word is that a new Caravan is forming in Honduras and they are doing nothing about it. We will be cutting off all aid to these 3 countries – taking advantage of U.S. for years!” Trump wrote on Twitter.  MORE HERE

9 Comments on Another Central American Migrant Caravan Is Forming, But It’s Reportedly Not Heading For US

  1. “……mmigration-rights groups who argue it violates international laws and the Constitution’s guarantee of due process.”

    Violates the Constitution? Who’s Constitution? The ILLEGALS aren’t US citizens, so not ours.

  2. Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador (and mexico) are dumping their trash.
    If it were rich people trying to migrate, you can bet there’d be exit fees – like the EU’s trying to do to the UK.

    And why are their borders so porous all of a sudden?

    Guess the NoKos, Cubans, and Chinks could just go in and set up shop?

    Something stinks in South and Central America – and it ain’t just the bean farts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Mexico getting a taste of their own medicine is fun to watch but some government entity, ours or theirs needs to do something about these organizers, this is getting out of control.

    Besides it’s only a matter of time before Mexico finds a way to palm them off on us.

  4. ^^^ “…Besides it’s only a matter of time before Mexico finds a way to palm them off on us.”

    Yeah, I don’t believe their bill of goods for a second.
    It was less than a month ago when msm was telling the world that a ‘second caravan’ didn’t even exist. They’re in Tijuana now.
    “if you like your….”
    They flat out lie, and have the sales force to sell it to the gullible, attention span deficient public.


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