Vape Store Clerk Gets Triggered By Trump Shirt Wearing Customer and Goes Berserk – IOTW Report

Vape Store Clerk Gets Triggered By Trump Shirt Wearing Customer and Goes Berserk

The idiot shrieks like a banshee, calling the customer a racist for wearing a Trump shirt.

HT/ Bad Brad

42 Comments on Vape Store Clerk Gets Triggered By Trump Shirt Wearing Customer and Goes Berserk

  1. “FUCK CAPITALISM” yells the store clerk. Bwahaha.

    What are the odds that if the Christian baker had gone on a rant like that against the gay wedding cake customers, he would have been arrested, tried and jailed for a “hate” crime.

  2. This should be distributed as a training video to all conservatives. The blend of Toxic masculinity and smart ass are a winning combo. I will sleep well tonight just because of this video. I guess I’m hungry for a win. And I’ll take this as one.

  3. I’m gonna guess Mommy sent him off to day care at age 6 weeks and had some young guy up the street do the weekend baby sitting. Not sure of who’s the baby daddy either.

  4. Zonga

    I wear a Trump shirt to the gym everyday. I’ve ripped the sleeves off a couple and cut the neck out of them. I lift in the mornings most of the time and there’s a couple women there, old, ugly, skanky, that wear Angry pussy Shirts. ETC. They show up with their 50 year old hubbies that are younger than I. They won’t even fucking look at me. I swim in toxic masculinity.

  5. Isn’t vaping supposed to calm your ass down?
    And aren’t they supposed to be all laid back in Georgia? You have to deal with squirrelly wound-up jerks like counterman there in shitholes across the Northeast.

  6. “Breathe Deep…cough cough… the Gathering Gloom.”

    Do MY bidding, he says, do what the man said.

    Their yelp and facelessbook account ain’t doing so well.

    SoyBoy did I laugh…


  7. Mental illness cultivated and nurtured by the Left and on full display for everyone to clearly see. A nuther example of the complete Dipshit that believes every word that oozes out from CNN and MSNBC while masturbating to Don Lemon.

  8. BIG_ Bad_Boy_Brad, Good for you. I’m glad you wear your shirt and hat.

    I have been intimidated by all the reported violence and insanity aimed at people wearing MAGA. I’m just a little old lady and I am afraid in my own country now.

  9. @Dust Bunny Queen

    OK, you made a good point. Let me modify what I stated. I would refuse service to anyone as long as its within the law. Racial segregation of stores and restaurants is illegal.

    There are also limits to free speech which I abide by. One can’t yell “Fire” in a crowded theatre when there is no actual fire, etc.

    But the right of refusal came up recently with the case of the Christian bakers who refused to make a cake for a couple of queers. I believe that was upheld by the SCOTUS. So I think the right of refusal within the law still applies.

  10. Tim Buktu

    No it does not. Right of refusal in a public licensed business is NOT determined by staff, but by the owner or management. A clerk’s political option does NOT qualify and his only obligation is to sell the store’s products to customers no matter how much he disagrees with that customers polecat views. Period.

    As a business owner, I’ve kept my views private even though the customer was out of line. It’s called: Get the Money, Stupid. In capitalism, is about sales and profit, now if you like or agree with a persons views. The only exception if the customer is requesting a SERVICE that goes your religion.

  11. John E.

    The right of refusal is general, and not always pertaining to someone’s political views. There used to be signs that said: “No shoes, no shirt, no service”. Sometimes, right of refusal would have to be determined by staff, but be more-or-less consistent with company policies and law. There might be occasional situations that the law or policy may not cover, but that come under a general heading like “obnoxious”.

    Such as a customer coming in and making a nuisance of himself, spitting, or being nasty. The person on duty would have to make a judgement call about whether to eject him from the premises or not.

  12. I really don’t like saying this as it doesn’t bode well for the Country, but the Progressives are surely proud of this useful idiot they created as representative of their cause. With the assistance of the American public school system they’ve infiltrated and politicized over the past 5 or more decades, we may be witnessing first-hand the impact of the classroom instruction received by some, or maybe all, future voters of America. Based upon the video, the clerk appears to be purely driven by hate throughout the ordeal and is highly agitated, all because a customer came in to purchase an item while wearing a Trump t-shirt and baseball hat. “Berserk” is probably a better characterization than “highly agitated” It is interesting from watching the video that his vocabulary is small and limited to mostly the same four letter words, give or take a few others.

    Something is very wrong here, and it goes beyond what some have lightheartedly called the “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. This clerk is out of control and having once struck the customer for merely wearing clothing containing words or phrases contrary to his beliefs, he is likely to do it again, or worse. in other words, he is, as they say “An accident waiting to happen”. Hopefully someone will get him the type of help that he needs in time.


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