“Excuse me, it is Ma’am!!” shouts a clearly angry man who can’t understand why he’s not addressed as a woman – IOTW Report

“Excuse me, it is Ma’am!!” shouts a clearly angry man who can’t understand why he’s not addressed as a woman

What is the clerk to do? What if he calls a dude ma’am when he’s just a guy who wears a funny hairstyle?

And this guy clearly has toxic masculinity.

ht/ jerry manderin


26 Comments on “Excuse me, it is Ma’am!!” shouts a clearly angry man who can’t understand why he’s not addressed as a woman

  1. This has gone viral too. Important fact. He’s the biggest bitch around. Interject a BMF that will threaten his MASCULINITY, let me repeat that, threaten his MASCULINITY and he won’t say shit. My point is, he’s still acting like a butt hurt pussy MAN.

  2. Oh, I’m sorry you queer phucking liberal, why don’t you take your pussified, liberal-minded asshole out of my store which has been built on common sense and reality before I kick your ass so hard you’ll have to loosen your necklace to fart??

  3. @Tony R
    Exactly. A crazy person will act crazy, giving in to their delusional behaviour just prolongs it and makes them all the more likely to violently snap like the man in this video.

  4. @Outdoorjoh: So True, Queer Ma’am and Vape store clerk seems like a match made in heaven. Plus Vape store clerk doesn’t need to worry about violating any Title IX rules because Queer Ma’am towers over him.

  5. Hey jerk-face, I’m not here to degrade you anymore than you have already degraded yourself, take notice that showing stupidity and ignorance is unbecoming and to increase your audience is NOT what you need.
    If you were smart, which you are not, you would limit the number of people witnessing your assholery, go home and reconfigure your outlook on life.
    There are WAY too many people that would be more than happy to reconfigure your face.

  6. If you want to be called something in particular write it on a large name tag or with a marker on your forehead. Otherwise you get my gut reaction. you could TAT it on your ass and run around with no pants, but that may only confuse the issue.

  7. Mental illness mainstreamed, weaponized and turned loose on normal, hard-working, tax-paying citizens. Shoot him in the groin that he is clearly dissatisfied with and give him a real reason to use Maxi-Pads then throw him in the pokey!

  8. Nothing a .45 semi-jacketed hollow point couldn’t solve.

    Ah, come to think of it, a .45 full-metal jacket would probably take care of it.

    (when you want to give the very best …)

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. “Everywhere is freaks and hairies
    Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity …”

    Instead of “Sir” or “Ma’am” how about “Hey, Asshole!”
    Or “Yo, Faggot, youze nex …”

    Notice the guy gettin screamed at was about half the pervert’s size?
    And the pervert screamed at an elderly woman?

    Makes you wonder if he’d pull this shit on someone his own size – or if he just tries to bully those he thinks will take it.

    Black pipe with a cap across his schnoz might jar him back to reality.

    He’d appreciate it in the long run.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. If they want to erase reality throw it right back.

    “Are you gender-norming my words? You have no idea what I mean when I say, “sir!” I am a lingual gender-fluid! We do not allow your kind of intolerance here! Get out!”


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