The Three Ring Impeachment Circus – IOTW Report

The Three Ring Impeachment Circus

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! Step right up and prepare yourself for the national spectacle that is using the House of Representatives and other organs of our government as a venue for defeating the president’s reelection in 2020.

In this corner, we have the various House investigative committees each offering their own captive lawyer act when they all take turns at questioning the soon to be imprisoned Michael Cohen. All made possible by various deals struck ahead of time with both the Mueller team and the Southern District of New York.

In the center ring, we have the Mueller report itself. While short on actual evidence of any crime, we can all be assured that the awaited document will be loaded with hints and supposition that all but convicts the sitting president.

And finally, we’ll have the inspector general’s report of FISA abuse by the DOJ and FBI. Given that the investigators have been hamstrung by the Mueller special counsel and is in essence part of a government agency investigating itself, we should expect a whitewash worthy of Tom Sawyer. More

12 Comments on The Three Ring Impeachment Circus

  1. We’re going to have to start giving as good as we’re getting. Lawsuits, investigations and impeachment are a game two can play. Time to stop being the victim and fight back.

  2. Here is another ring for the circus, the frickin FBI is investigating Trumps golf courses looking for illegal alien employees. I’m telling you, it’s past time for Trump to put the hammer down! What the hell are the good guys waiting for?!?!

  3. Speaking of carnival shows makes me wonder if anybody manufactures a game of “Whack-A-Pol”. I’d spend a lot of money on that one.

    Edit: Or “special editions” such as

  4. Of course, the biggest attraction at the circus for the kiddies is always the giant elephants, paraded in a big circle with trunk-to-tail, lumbering around and around to some kind of music. A beautiful girl (Corkscrew?) is always hopping from back-to-back showin’ her stuff.

    Um, yeah. And those elephants (Republicans, obviously) are fricken stooopid.

  5. @Left Coast Dan, I’m also surprised the Dems took the House AFTER the 2 years of shenanigans they ALREADY put us through. They know what works now and I’m not as sure any more about 2020. I have no faith in the “good guys” as joe6pack calls them. I don’t think there any good guys left. It’s just Trump and us. And maybe Jim Jordan. I vote. I donate. I write letters. I volunteer. I attempt to engage in prepared political conversation. I also live in New York State (Schumer, Gillibrand, Tonko) So tell me, someone, what’s a 65 yr. old white retired woman to do. I come here because I enjoy the witty discourse and humor. But I’m not laughing anymore. How do “I” fight back???? Because I’m finding there is no “we”. If there was, the Republicans would have held the house. Now I’m going to have a good stiff drink.

  6. Unfortunately, there are not enough elected Republicans that give a shit or possibly that are easily bought off.
    Either way the system has been so profusely over-run by commies that we may have little, if any, chance of holding on to our precious republic.
    I believe our only option is a revolution.

  7. Too many republicans retired and too many in congress are RINOs who voluntarily or involuntarily ended their political careers. Our challenge is finding good replacements to pick up the pieces after the dems break everything within reach in their effort to put their own stooge into the WH.


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